January 14, 2025
The impact of artificial intelligence on macroeconomic productivity
September 2, 2024
Economic consequences of US-China technological decoupling: An illustrative quantitative analysis
- JINJI Naoto / OZAWA Shunya
August 19, 2024
Robots and wage polarisation
August 6, 2024
The Russian sanctions and dollar foreign exchange reserves
- Robert N MCCAULEY / Menzie David CHINN / ITO Hiro
July 23, 2024
The return to overseas visits by political leaders: Evidence from Japanese yen loan procurement auctions
April 24, 2024
The impact of exchange rates on Japan’s machinery exports since 1990
April 17, 2024
Cascades of tax policy through production networks: Evidence from Japan
April 2, 2024
Software automation and teleworkers as complements and substitutes
March 6, 2024
Road traffic flow and air pollution concentrations: Evidence from Japan
February 27, 2024
Effect of a European carbon border adjustment mechanism on Asia and the Pacific
- Aline MORTHA / ARIMURA Toshi H.
January 11, 2024
Lack of recovery of the post-‘ice age’ cohorts in Japan
November 22, 2023
Globalisation and servitisation of firms drive entry into cross-border data transfers
October 24, 2023
The decline in capital formation in Japan
- ISHIKAWA Takayuki
September 1, 2023
From just-in-time to just-in-case: Global sourcing and firm inventory after the pandemic
- ZHANG Hongyong / DOAN Thi Thanh Ha
July 5, 2023
Partial ownership, financial constraints, and foreign direct investment
- Michael RYAN / ITO Tadashi / TANAKA Ayumu
May 19, 2023
Reducing policy uncertainty attracts foreign direct investment in services: The role of regional trade agreements
- INADA Mitsuo / JINJI Naoto
May 8, 2023
The impact of export controls on international trade: Evidence from the Japan–Korea trade dispute in the semiconductor industry
April 18, 2023
Industry agglomeration and location choice of productive firms: The role of product markets in adverse selection
- René BELDERBOS / FUKAO Kyoji / IKEUCHI Kenta / KIM YoungGak / KWON Hyeog Ug
March 30, 2023
Impacts of industrial guidance funds on the performance of Chinese manufacturing enterprises
- KAJITANI Kai / CHEN Kuang-hui / MITSUNAMI Kohei
February 20, 2023
International spillover effects of air pollution: Evidence from mortality and health data
- Seonmin "Will" HEO / ITO Koichiro / Rao KOTAMARTHI
February 3, 2023
Market integration and the expansion of renewable energy: Evidence from Chile
- Luis E. GONZALES / ITO Koichiro / Mar REGUANT
December 12, 2022
How supply networks shape the firm size distribution: The Japanese case
- Corrado DI GUILMI / FUJIWARA Yoshi
December 5, 2022
The economic effects of import disruption can be magnified by domestic supply chains
- TODO Yasuyuki / INOUE Hiroyasu
November 24, 2022
COVID-19 created more zombie firms in Japan
- Gee Hee HONG / ITO Arata / SAITO Yukiko
November 16, 2022
Human interactions and innovation: The case of the Spanish Influenza pandemic in Japan
- INOUE Hiroyasu / NAKAJIMA Kentaro / OKAZAKI Tetsuji / SAITO Yukiko
November 8, 2022
A disaster for children: Effects of COVID-19 school closure on primary school students' cognitive and non-cognitive skills in maths
- ASAKAWA Shinsuke / OHTAKE Fumio
October 27, 2022
The role of international investment agreements in attracting Japanese foreign direct investment
- Youngmin BAEK / URATA Shujiro
October 11, 2022
Productivity, amenity value, and the future of remote work
September 5, 2022
The size of micro-originated fluctuations in the macroeconomy
- ARATA Yoshiyuki / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
July 8, 2022
Social pressure in football matches: An event study of ‘remote matches’ in Japan
- MORITA Hiroshi / ARAKI Shota
June 28, 2022
Temporary work contracts and female labour market outcomes
- ASAI Yukiko / Dmitri KOUSTAS
June 14, 2022
How demand shocks propagate through an input-output network: The cases of the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic
- ARATA Yoshiyuki / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
June 1, 2022
Local labour market effects of offshoring
May 25, 2022
Impacts of firm global value chain participation on productivity: A case of Japanese manufacturing firms
- URATA Shujiro / Youngmin BAEK
May 23, 2022
Measuring robot quality: Slowing improvement is a possibility
- FUJIWARA Ippei / KIMOTO Ryo / SHIRATSUKA Shigenori / SHIROTA Toyoichiro
May 9, 2022
Exogenous shocks, industrial policy, and the US semiconductor industry
May 2, 2022
Exploring the hidden price effect in China’s official GDP estimates
- Harry X. WU / Zhan LI
April 26, 2022
China’s other challenge in growth: Investment in intangible assets
- Harry X. WU / Janet X. HAO
April 15, 2022
Tax and social insurance benefits for low-income spouses stand as obstacles for women’s participation and wage growth in Japan
- KITAO Sagiri / MIKOSHIBA Minamo
April 6, 2022
Productivity dynamics of working from home
March 29, 2022
The ascent of crypto assets: Evolution and macro-financial drivers
- Erik FEYEN / KAWASHIMA Yusaku / Raunak MITTAL
March 22, 2022
Carbon pricing and cross-border carbon leakage with international transport
March 4, 2022
Shared responsibility criterion for allocating carbon emissions across countries
- Palizha AIREBULE / Haitao CHENG / ISHIKAWA Jota
February 16, 2022
Comparing attitudes towards immigrants across regions: A network science approach
- Rachael Kei KAWASAKI / IKEDA Yuichi
January 4, 2022
Impacts of natural disasters on perceptions of others
- TODO Yasuyuki / KASHIWAGI Yuzuka
December 15, 2021
How to nudge COVID-19 vaccination while respecting autonomous decision making
- SASAKI Shusaku / SAITO Tomoya / OHTAKE Fumio
November 10, 2021
Effectiveness of subsidy applications for small businesses: The case of Japan
November 1, 2021
Strengthening semiconductor manufacturing: Lessons from East Asia
October 22, 2021
Ageing and the real interest rate in Japan: A labour market channel
- FUJITA Shigeru / FUJIWARA Ippei
October 15, 2021
Impact of cash transfers on consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Japanese Special Cash Payments
- HATTORI Takahiro / KOMURA Norihiro / UNAYAMA Takashi
October 8, 2021
Teams become more productive when their hours are shorter
October 1, 2021
Carbon tax, cross-border carbon leakage, and border tax adjustments
- Haitao CHENG / ISHIKAWA Jota
September 27, 2021
The impact of COVID-19 on global production
September 21, 2021
Firm heterogeneity and the college wage gap in Japan
- IKEUCHI Kenta / FUKAO Kyoji / Cristiano PERUGINI
September 15, 2021
Why real wages are stagnating in Japan and Korea
- Hyunbae CHUN / FUKAO Kyoji / KWON Hyeog Ug / Jungsoo PARK
September 10, 2021
Consumer city: Evidence from smartphone data
- MIYAUCHI Yuhei / NAKAJIMA Kentaro / Stephen REDDING
September 1, 2021
Declining capital formation in Japan and the role of intangibles
- MIYAGAWA Tsutomu / ISHIKAWA Takayuki
August 16, 2021
Money flow networks: Evidence from Japan
- FUJIWARA Yoshi / INOUE Hiroyasu / YAMAGUCHI Takayuki / AOYAMA Hideaki / TANAKA Takuma / KIKUCHI Kentaro
July 28, 2021
The dollar, the yen, or the renminbi? Invoicing currency choices by Japanese overseas subsidiaries
- ITO Takatoshi / KOIBUCHI Satoshi / SATO Kiyotaka / SHIMIZU Junko / YOSHIMI Taiyo
May 26, 2021
Machine learning as a natural experiment: Application to fashion e-commerce
- NARITA Yusuke / AIHARA Shunsuke / MATSUTANI Megumi / SAITO Yuta
April 27, 2021
How high-speed rail changes the spatial distribution of economic activity: Evidence from Japan's Shinkansen
- HAYAKAWA Kazunobu / Hans KOSTER / TABUCHI Takatoshi / Jacques-François THISSE
April 26, 2021
Supply chains and the economic effects of lockdowns
- INOUE Hiroyasu / MURASE Yohsuke / TODO Yasuyuki
March 26, 2021
The productivity of working from home: Evidence from Japan
March 16, 2021
Firm exit patterns and the post-Covid cleansing mechanism: Evidence from Japan
- Gee Hee HONG / SAITO Yukiko
February 22, 2021
Robots and employment: Evidence from Japan, 1978-2017
January 26, 2021
Commuting zones in Japan
- ADACHI Daisuke / FUKAI Taiyo / KAWAGUCHI Daiji / SAITO Yukiko
October 23, 2020
Stagnation of markups and (non-)existence of superstar firms in Japan
- NAKAMURA Tsuyoshi / OHASHI Hiroshi
September 25, 2020
Detecting the impact of policy uncertainty on foreign direct investment
- INADA Mitsuo / JINJI Naoto
September 4, 2020
Rewiring supply chain networks
- GOTO Hiromitsu / FUJITA Yuji / SOUMA Wataru
August 25, 2020
Globalisation and the COVID-19 pandemic: A spatial economics perspective
- FUJITA Masahisa / HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki
August 21, 2020
Regulating cross-border data flows: Firm-level analysis from Japan
- TOMIURA Eiichi / ITO Banri / Byeongwoo KANG
August 18, 2020
Global politics from the view of the political-economy trilemma
- Joshua AIZENMAN / ITO Hiroyuki
July 30, 2020
Transfer pricing of intangible assets with the arm’s length principle
- Jay Pil CHOI / ISHIKAWA Jota / OKOSHI Hirofumi
July 8, 2020
Transfer pricing regulation and tax competition
June 25, 2020
Firm age, productivity, and intangible capital
June 12, 2020
Who benefits from trade liberalisation? A case from Japan
- Youngmin BAEK / HAYAKAWA Kazunobu / TSUBOTA Kenmei / URATA Shujiro / YAMANOUCHI Kenta
June 9, 2020
Heterogeneous relationships between automation technologies and skilled labour
June 4, 2020
Machine learning against accounting fraud
- KONDO Satoshi / MIYAKAWA Daisuke / SHIRAKI Kengo / SUGA Miki / USUKI Teppei
May 26, 2020
Central hubs in global value chains and knowledge creation
- ITO Keiko / IKEUCHI Kenta / Chiara CRISCUOLO / Jonathan TIMMIS / Antonin BERGEAUD
May 13, 2020
The art of central bank communication: Old and new
- TAKEDA Yosuke / KEIDA Masayuki
April 22, 2020
COVID-19, teleworking, and productivity
April 17, 2020
Location choice and sales patterns of Japanese foreign affiliates
- Francesca SPINELLI / Dorothée ROUZET / ZHANG Hongyong
March 31, 2020
Cross-border data transfers under new regulations: Findings from a survey of Japanese firms
- TOMIURA Eiichi / ITO Banri / Byeongwoo KANG
March 30, 2020
Outside directors, firm behaviour, and performance: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in Japan
February 13, 2020
The accuracy of long-term growth forecasts by economics researchers
December 20, 2019
The impact of the US-China trade war on Japanese multinational corporations
- SUN Chang / TAO Zhigang / YUAN Hongjie / ZHANG Hongyong
December 12, 2019
Post-disaster subsidies for small and medium firms: Empirical insights for effective targeting
December 4, 2019
On the Decline of R&D Efficiency
- MIYAGAWA Tsutomu / ISHIKAWA Takayuki
November 18, 2019
East Asian value chains, exchange rates, and regional exchange rate arrangements
November 11, 2019
The costs of using a regional trade agreement
- HAYAKAWA Kazunobu / JINJI Naoto / MATSUURA Toshiyuki / YOSHIMI Taiyo
October 4, 2019
Why Japan lost its comparative advantage in producing electronic parts and components
September 17, 2019
Propagation of economic shocks through supply chains
- INOUE Hiroyasu / TODO Yasuyuki
September 6, 2019
Costs of employment and flexible labour demand: Evidence from maternity and parental leave reforms
- ASAI Yukiko
August 19, 2019
Inter-city trade
- MORI Tomoya / Jens WRONA
August 13, 2019
Spatial patterns and city size distribution: Evidence from 450 Japanese cities
July 31, 2019
If money could buy happiness: The determinants of utility of international currencies
- OGAWA Eiji / MUTO Makoto
July 30, 2019
Value of data: There’s no such thing as a free lunch in the digital economy
- Wendy C.Y. LI / NIREI Makoto / YAMANA Kazufumi
July 10, 2019
Inter-firm transaction networks and location in a city: Evidence from Japan
- OTAZAWA Toshimori / OHIRA Yuki / Jos van OMMEREN
June 24, 2019
Fiscal sustainability in Japan: What to tackle
- Selahattin İMROHOROĞLU / KITAO Sagiri / YAMADA Tomoaki
June 17, 2019
The Bank of Japan’s exchange-traded fund purchases and implications for the future
June 11, 2019
Growing use of local currencies in Japanese trade with Asian countries: A new puzzle of invoicing currency choice
- ITO Takatoshi / KOIBUCHI Satoshi / SATO Kiyotaka / SHIMIZU Junko
May 24, 2019
Destination of outward FDI and variation in employment in Japanese manufacturing firms
- LIU Yang / BIN Ni
May 7, 2019
Indirect trade and direct trade: Evidence from Japanese firm transaction data
- ITO Tadashi / SAITO Yukiko
April 22, 2019
AI technology and gender inequality
February 26, 2019
Bankruptcy propagation in customer–supplier networks: An empirical analysis in Japan
November 20, 2018
International production networks and disaster resilience
- TODO Yasuyuki / KASHIWAGI Yuzuka / Petr MATOUS
September 4, 2018
Electoral pressure amplifies the protectionist effects of higher imports
August 17, 2018
Demand for automated driving technology
June 4, 2018
The wage premium of exporting plants in Japan: The impact of plant and firm size
April 17, 2018
Learning by exporting in global value chains
- YASHIRO Naomitsu / Konstantins BENKOVSKIS / Jaan MASSO / Olegs TKACEVS / Priit VAHTER
April 4, 2018
Attitudes towards immigration in an ageing society: Demographic evidence from Japan
February 26, 2018
Wholesalers, indirect exports, geography, and economies of scope: Evidence from firm transaction data in Japan
- ITO Tadashi / NAKAMURA Ryohei / MORITA Manabu
February 19, 2018
The dynamics of inter-firm networks and firm growth
January 30, 2018
Japanese plants' heterogeneity in sales, factor inputs, and participation in global value chains
December 25, 2017
Industry growth through spinoffs and start-ups
- OHYAMA Atsushi
December 18, 2017
China's productivity performance revisited from the perspective of ICTs
- Harry WU / David T. LIANG
December 13, 2017
The impact of free trade agreements on the procurement behaviour of Japanese firms' overseas affiliates
December 1, 2017
Job separation and geographical mobility: The economic effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake
- KONDO Ayako
November 29, 2017
Venture capital networks: An analysis using the exponential random graph model
- KOUJAKU Sadamori / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
November 16, 2017
Parent firms' resources and productivity of foreign subsidiaries
November 13, 2017
Survivors in export markets
- INUI Tomohiko / ITO Keiko / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
September 19, 2017
Constant churning and persistent regularity in population and industrial locations: Evidence from Japan
August 8, 2017
Agglomeration benefits versus firm selection
July 28, 2017
Explaining the persistence of the gender wage gap in Japan: The ‘glass ceiling’ and the ‘sticky floor’
- HARA Hiromi
July 21, 2017
Impacts of outward foreign direct investment: New firm-level evidence from Japan
- HAYAKAWA Kazunobu / MATSUURA Toshiyuki
July 18, 2017
Assessing the impact of AI and robotics on job expectations using Japanese survey data
July 10, 2017
Occupational licensing in the Japanese labour market
July 5, 2017
Exchange rates and the Swiss economy
June 30, 2017
The ‘scientification’ of industry: New indicators of science intensity
- IKEUCHI Kenta / MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki / TAMURA Ryuichi / TSUKADA Naotoshi
June 22, 2017
Trends and priority shifts in artificial intelligence technology invention: A global patent analysis
- FUJII Hidemichi / MANAGI Shunsuke
June 20, 2017
Computer-based narrative analysis of the Bank of Japan’s Governor Kuroda
- TAKEDA Yosuke / KEIDA Masayuki
May 22, 2017
Shall we Skype? Yes, but later: Impacts of an online English learning programme among Japanese high school students
- HIGUCHI Yuki / SASAKI Miyuki / NAKAMURO Makiko
April 26, 2017
Mitigating the propagation of negative shocks due to supply chain disruptions
- INOUE Hiroyasu / TODO Yasuyuki
March 16, 2017
Designing mega-regional trade agreements
- HAYAKAWA Kazunobu / URATA Shujiro / YOSHIMI Taiyo
March 10, 2017
The effect of exchange rates on the utilisation of free trade agreements
- HAYAKAWA Kazunobu / HanSung KIM / YOSHIMI Taiyo
February 20, 2017
Effects of the backhaul problem on global trade
February 8, 2017
Uncertainty and firms' global sourcing patterns
- Lianming ZHU / ITO Koji / TOMIURA Eiichi
February 7, 2017
Daily gravity in the carrot trade in Japan
- TAKECHI Kazutaka
January 24, 2017
Countering public opposition to immigration with information campaigns
- Giovanni FACCHINI / Yotam MARGALIT / NAKATA Hiroyuki
January 11, 2017
How firms organise production: Headquarter separation and multi-plant operation
- OKUBO Toshihiro / TOMIURA Eiichi
December 19, 2016
The glass ceiling in Japan and South Korea
- Yoosik YOUM / YAMAGUCHI Kazuo
December 7, 2016
The effect of openness on domestic employment volatility? Evidence from Japan
- HIGUCHI Yoshio / KIYOTA Kozo / MATSUURA Toshiyuki
November 29, 2016
Agglomeration economies, productivity, and quality upgrading: Evidence from Japan
- SAITO Hisamitsu / MATSUURA Toshiyuki
November 22, 2016
Shock propagations in granular networks
November 16, 2016
Changes in wage inequality and structure of wage determination in Japan
- HIGUCHI Yoshio / KODAMA Naomi / YOKOYAMA Izumi
November 10, 2016
Sequential markets, market power, and arbitrage
- ITO Koichiro / Mar REGUANT
October 19, 2016
The global value chain and the competitiveness of Asian countries
- KIYOTA Kozo / OIKAWA Keita / YOSHIOKA Katsuhiro
October 6, 2016
Financial literacy reduces late-life anxiety
- KADOYA Yoshihiko / Mostafa Saidur Rahim KHAN
September 6, 2016
Structural reforms in difficult times: The priorities
- Aida CALDERA / Alain de SERRES / YASHIRO Naomitsu
August 4, 2016
An econophysics perspective of trade liberalisation
- IKEDA Yuichi / AOYAMA Hideaki / IYETOMI Hiroshi / MIZUNO Takayuki / OHNISHI Takaaki / SAKAMOTO Yohei / WATANABE Tsutomu
July 29, 2016
Japanese industrial cluster policy and inter-firm transaction networks
- OKUBO Toshihiro / OKAZAKI Tetsuji / TOMIURA Eiichi
July 15, 2016
Growing knowledge-intensive business services and regional disparity
July 11, 2016
Roles of Japan's local public technology centres in SME innovation
- FUKUGAWA Nobuya / GOTO Akira
July 7, 2016
Trade invoicing in major currencies in the 1970s-1990s: Lessons for renminbi internationalisation
- ITO Hiroyuki / KAWAI Masahiro
July 1, 2016
Servitisation and manufacturing firms without factories in Japan
June 28, 2016
East Asian economies and financial globalisation in the post-crisis world
- Joshua AIZENMAN / ITO Hiroyuki
June 20, 2016
Estimating the harm Japan's next VAT rate increase will inflict on the economy
- UNAYAMA Takashi / David CASHIN
June 8, 2016
Artificial intelligence and employment
May 23, 2016
Private news and monetary policy: Forward guidance (or the expected virtue of ignorance)
- FUJIWARA Ippei / WAKI Yuichiro
May 6, 2016
New products during bad times
- Andrew B. BERNARD / OKUBO Toshihiro
April 25, 2016
Costs of policy uncertainty and delaying reform: The case of ageing Japan
- KITAO Sagiri
April 19, 2016
Uncertainty over business conditions and investment: Evidence from Japanese firms
March 28, 2016
Multinationals and female employment: Japanese evidence
- ABE Yukiko / Beata JAVORCIK / KODAMA Naomi
February 9, 2016
Making agglomeration ‘metabolised’ for innovation
February 3, 2016
Why exporters and multinational firms pay higher wages
January 19, 2016
How much do young people suffer when they graduate during bad economic times?
January 13, 2016
Working hours decrease due to technological progress and increase due to urban agglomeration
- AGO Takanori / MORITA Tadashi / TABUCHI Takatoshi / YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro
December 1, 2015
Politically connected lending and economic development
- FU Jiangtao / SHIMAMOTO Daichi / TODO Yasuyuki
October 9, 2015
Intangibles and productivity growth: Evidence from Japan and Korea
- Hyunbae CHUN / MIYAGAWA Tsutomu / Hak K. PYO / TONOGI Konomi
September 25, 2015
Retirement and changing lifestyle habits
- MOTEGI Hiroyuki / NISHIMURA Yoshinori / TERADA Kazuyuki
September 10, 2015
Market concentration and entry in the intermediate goods market
September 5, 2015
Deflation and money
- AOYAMA Hideaki / FUJIWARA Yoshi / IYETOMI Hiroshi / YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi
September 4, 2015
Firms' transaction networks: New Japanese evidence on the role of intermediaries
- OKUBO Toshihiro / ONO Yukako / SAITO Yukiko
August 31, 2015
Learning by exporting and the presence of foreign-affiliated companies
August 6, 2015
Risk taking and firm growth
- XU Peng
July 23, 2015
The quality of distance: Quality sorting, Alchian-Allen effect, and geography
- TAKECHI Kazutaka
July 14, 2015
Japan and the Great Divergence, 725 to 1874
- Jean-Pascal BASSINO / Stephen BROADBERRY / FUKAO Kyoji / Bishnupriya GUPTA / TAKASHIMA Masanori
July 9, 2015
Trade agreements and trans-Pacific competition
July 7, 2015
How do Japanese exporters manage their exchange rate exposure?
- ITO Takatoshi / KOIBUCHI Satoshi / SATO Kiyotaka / SHIMIZU Junko
July 1, 2015
Economic networks for more innovative and resilient economies
- Petr MATOUS / TODO Yasuyuki
June 24, 2015
From collusion to competition? Japanese business groups in the 21st century
- Petr MATOUS / TODO Yasuyuki
June 16, 2015
Asymmetric impacts of the WTO Accession on Chinese exporters
May 29, 2015
Service trade and productivity
May 18, 2015
Making Japan a place where women can shine
- EDAMURA Kazuma / INUI Tomohiko / NAKAMURO Makiko / OZAWA Junko
April 9, 2015
Boosting female labour force participation: Nordic lessons for Japan and Korea
December 8, 2014
Disemployment caused by Foreign Direct Investment? Multinationals and Japanese employment
December 2, 2014
Productivity, Pricing Power, and Exports
November 25, 2014
Regional wage differentials in the public sector
November 14, 2014
Adverse selection and moral hazard in the Japanese public credit guarantee schemes for SMEs
- SAITO Kuniyoshi / TSURUTA Daisuke
November 7, 2014
Measuring the competitiveness of China's processed exports
October 2, 2014
Does initial job status affect midlife outcomes and mental health? Evidence from a survey in Japan
- OSHIO Takashi / INAGAKI Seiichi
September 26, 2014
Fast trains, supply networks, and firm performance
September 8, 2014
Firm growth dynamics: The importance of large jumps
- ARATA Yoshiyuki
August 29, 2014
Unstash the cash! Corporate governance reform in Japan
August 19, 2014
Natural disasters, firm activity, and damage to banks
- HOSONO Kaoru / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
August 12, 2014
Identifying and quantifying monetary policy transmission through bank balance sheets
- HOSONO Kaoru / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
August 5, 2014
Agglomeration and product innovation in China
July 31, 2014
Protection of intellectual property to foster innovations in the service sector
July 14, 2014
Gender diversity in management in Japan is finally emerging: Comparison with China and South Korea
June 20, 2014
Are large headquarters unproductive?
March 11, 2014
Natural disasters, natural selection, and firm exit: Lessons from the Tohoku Earthquake
- ONO Arito / UCHIDA Hirofumi
February 16, 2014
Localisation in knowledge-creating activities: Evidence from Japanese patent data
January 20, 2014
More time spent on television and video games, less time spent on studying?
- INUI Tomohiko / MATSUOKA Ryoji / NAKAMURO Makiko
January 7, 2014
With a little help from my bank: Japanese SMEs' export decision
- INUI Tomohiko / ITO Keiko / MIYAKAWA Daisuke
December 18, 2013
Supply-chain vulnerability: An analysis of the impact of earthquakes using micro data
December 12, 2013
Agglomeration and exports
December 3, 2013
Historical trends of agglomeration to the capital region
November 21, 2013
Is the negative impact of FDI real? Empirical evidence from Japan
November 19, 2013
The lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Great Floods in Thailand
November 5, 2013
Reduced policy uncertainty and the Japanese economy
October 25, 2013
Distance frictions and firm border effects in knowledge creation: Evidence from Japanese patent data
August 15, 2013
Global value chain governance in the era of mega FTAs and a proposal of an international supply-chain agreement
January 30, 2013
How did the Global Financial Crisis misalign East Asian currencies?
- OGAWA Eiji / Zhiqian WANG
January 7, 2013
Industrial policy and productivity: The case of import quota removal during post-war Japan
September 12, 2012
Impact of Localisation and Urbanisation on Productivity: Empirical analysis based on establishments data in Japan
July 18, 2012
Effects of Offshoring on Home Employment and Skill Upgrading
June 12, 2012
Do 'Animal Spirits' Matter to Firms' Internationalisation?
VoxEU Column
Articles written by RIETI fellows and others on their respective research themes for VoxEU and reposted on the RIETI website.