Faculty Fellow

Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo

Activities at RIETI


Applied micro economics, Economic statistics, Econometrics,
International comparison of productivity, Economic analysis of information technology, Technological innovation and economic growth, Innovation system, Input-output analysis

Research Projects


2000.12 Phd, Business and Commerce, Keio University
1993.5 MBA, Cornell University
1986.3 Master of Engineering, the University of Tokyo


2006-present Professor, Department of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI) School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
2006-2006 Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo
2004-present Faculty Fellow, RIETI
2004-2006 Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo
2002-2004 Associate Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University / Senior Manager of Quantative Studies and Senior Fellow, RIETI
1999.6-2000.6 Head of Public Affairs Office, Trade Policy Bureau, METI
1998.6-1999.6 Deputy Director, Planning Division, SME Agency
1995.8-1998.6 Economist, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
1986.4 METI (Experience in computer policy, industrial policy, energy policy)

Selected Publications and Papers

"China's National Innovation System Reform and Growing Science Industry Linkage," Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 14, 2 (2006), pp.49-65, 2006/09

"The IT Revolution's Implications for the Japanese Economy," in Japan: Moving Toward a More Advanced Knowledge Economy, T. Shibata ed., World Bank Institute, Washington DC, 2006/06

"Information technology and the Japanese economy ?" (with Dale W.Jorgenson) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2005, pp. 460-481

"University-industry collaborations in Japan: The role of new Technology-based firms in transforming the National Innovation System," Research Policy, vol. 34, Issue 5, June 2005,pp.583-594

A complete list of papers and books is here