Digitalization of businesses and advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the global economy have transformed the current industrial structure and competitive environment of traditional industries. As a response to such trend, Japanese firms must shift their strategic focus from "product-based innovation" to "solution provision" to customers. In addition, such strategic shift requires firms to take ecosystem-based actions, instead of an in-house development model. In this research project, we will conduct conceptualization of innovation in the digital economy to measure its advancement, database development, and empirical studies of innovation ecosystems in order to provide scientific evidence in innovation policy discussions.
May 1, 2017 - March 31, 2019
Major Research Results
RIETI Discussion Papers
- 20-E-005
"Linkage of Patent and Design Right Data: Analysis of Industrial Design Activities in Companies at the Creator Level" (IKEUCHI Kenta and MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 19-E-023
"Empirical Analysis of License Policy for Declared Standard-essential Patents in Setting Technology Standards" (Dong HUO, Jiangwei DANG and MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 19-E-016
"Use and sharing of big data, firm networks and their performance" (KIM YoungGak and MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 18-E-042
"Technology Sourcing in New Product Development Projects: When and how to use external resources?" (KANI Masayo and MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 19-J-017
"Linkage of Patent and Design Right Data: Analysis of Industrial Design Activities in Companies at the Creator Level" (IKEUCHI Kenta and MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 18-J-022
"Empirical Research on Technology Appropriability and Agglomeration Externalities" (MATSUMOTO Kuniko and MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki)
RIETI Policy Discussion Papers
- 19-P-005
"Digitalization of manufacturing process and open innovation: Survey results of small and medium sized firms in Japan" (MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 18-P-017
"Understanding AI Driven Innovation by Linked Database of Scientific Articles and Patents" (MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 18-P-012
"The Regional Innovation System in China: Regional comparison of technology, venture financing, and human capital focusing on Shenzhen" (MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki) - 18-P-015
"Competitive Intelligence and Absorptive Capacity Necessary for Japanese Companies' Competitiveness: Interview research on competitive intelligence" (TSUCHIMOTO Ichiro) - 18-P-011
"Regional Innovation System in China: Regional comparison of technology, venture financing, and human capital focusing on Shenzhen" (MOTOHASHI Kazuyuki)