International trade, globalisation, regionalism, WTO, economic geography, political economy, global value chains, global economic policy, European integration and growth
1986 PhD in economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
1981 Master’s degree of Science in Economics, London School of Economics
1980 Bachelor’s degree in Economics, University of Madison-Wisconsin
(2023-present) Professor of International Economics at IMD Business School in Lausanne,
(Current) Non-Resident Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.
(1991-2023) Professor of international economics, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
(2016-2019) President of CEPR
(2014–2016) Director, CEPR
(2012-2015) Visiting professor, Oxford University
(2013) Visiting professor, University of Adelaide
(2009-2015) Member, World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Trade
(2007-present) Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Vox EU.
(2006-2014) Policy Director, CEPR
(2003) Visiting professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
(1991-2001) International Trade Programme Director, CEPR
(1990-1991) Senior Staff Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisors, Trade negotiator for Uruguay Round, NAFTA, US-Japan trade disputes
(1988-present) NBER Research Fellow
(1989 to 1991) Associate Professor, Columbia University Business School
(1986 to 1989) Assistant Professor, Columbia University Business School
Selected Publications and Papers
- The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics, and the Future of Work, Oxford University Press, 2019
- The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization, Harvard University Press, Belknap Press, 2016
- The Economics of European Integration, McGraw-Hill Inc., 2016
- A World Trade Organization for the 21st Century: The Asian Perspective, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015
- Economic geography and public policy, Princeton University Press, 2011
- Economic Impact of EU Membership on Entrants: New Methods and Issues, Springer, 2001
- Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy, Cambridge University, 1999
Papers Published in Refereed Journals
- “Hidden Exposure: Measuring U.S. Supply Chain Reliance” (with Rebecca Freeman and Angelos Theodorakopoulos), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2023 issue.
- “Are software automation and teleworkers substitutes? Preliminary evidence from Japan,” (with Toshihiro Okubo), World Economy, 2023,
- “Deconstructing deglobalization: The future of trade is in intermediate services,” Asian Economic Policy Review, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp 18-73, January 2024 (with Freeman, R., A. Theodorakopoulos)
- “Globotics and development: When manufacturing is jobless and services are tradeable,” World Trade Review, Volume 22, Issue 3-4, pp 302-311, October, 2023 (with Rikard Forslid)
- “Risks and global supply chains: What we know and what we need to know,” Annual Review of Economics, Volume 14, pp 153-180, August 12, 2022 (with Rebecca Freeman)
- “The smile curve: Evolving sources of value added in manufacturing,” Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, Volume 54, Issue 4, pp 1842-1880, November, 2021 (With Tadashi Ito)
- “GVC journeys: Industrialisation and deindustrialisation in the age of the second unbundling,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 52, June 1, 2019, pp 53-67, (with Toshihiro Okubo)
- “Old, new and future globalisation: understanding the changes from a broader perspective,” Macroeconomic Review, 2017, pp 90-96
- “The World Trade Organization and the future of multilateralism” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 30, Issue 1, February 1, 2016. pp 95-116
- “Supply‐chain trade: A portrait of global patterns and several testable hypotheses,” The world economy, Volume 38, Issue 11, November, 2015, pp 1682-1721, (with Javier Lopez-Gonzalez)
- “A simple model of the juggernaut effect of trade liberalization,” International Economics, Volume 143, October 1, 2015, pp 70-79 (with Frédéric Robert-Nicoud)
- “Trade policy and industrialisation when backward and forward linkages matter” Research in Economics, Volume 69, Issue 2, June 1, 2015, pp 123-131, (with Anthony J. Venables)
- “Misthinking Globalisation: Twentieth‐Century Paradigms and Twenty First‐Century Challenges,” Australian Economic History Review, Volume 54, Issue 3, November, 2014, pp 212-219
- “Networked FDI: Sales and sourcing patterns of Japanese foreign affiliates” The World Economy, Volume 37, Issue 8, August, 2014, pp 1051-1080, (with Toshihiro Okubo)
- “Oorzaken van en remedies voor seculaire stagnatie” Economisch-Statistische Berichten Volume 99, Issue 4697, 2014, pp 680-683, (with C. Teulings) “Trade-in-goods and trade-in-tasks: An integrating framework” Journal of international Economics Volume 92, Issue 1, January 1, 2014, pp 51-62, (with Frédéric Robert-Nicoud)
- “Spiders and snakes: Offshoring and agglomeration in the global economy” Journal of International Economics Volume 90, Issue 2, July 1, 2013, pp 245-254, (with Anthony J Venables)
- “3 WTO 2.0: Thinking ahead on global trade” The Future of the World Trading System: Asian Perspectives Volume 25, Issue 23, 2013, p 23
- “Are free trade agreements contagious?” Journal of international Economics, Volume 88, Issue 1, September 1, 2012 pp 1-16, (with Dany Jaimovich)