January 7, 2025
The effects of minimum wages on youth employment, unemployment, and income
Minimum wages reduce entry-level jobs, training, and lifetime income- Charlene Marie KALENKOSKI
October 8, 2024
Estimating the return to schooling using the Mincer equation
The Mincer equation gives comparable estimates of the average monetary Returns of one additional year of education- Harry Anthony PATRINOS
July 2, 2024
Unemployment benefits and unemployment
The challenge of unemployment benefits is to protect workers while minimizing undesirable side effects- Robert MOFFITT / Wonsik KO
April 4, 2024
The importance of informal learning at work
On-the-job learning is more important for workers’ human capital development than formal training- Andries De GRIP
January 15, 2024
Multiple job-holding: Career pathway or dire straits?
Moonlighting responds to economic needs, but can generate new skills and careers- Konstantinos POULIAKAS / Wieteke S. CONEN
October 27, 2023
Do institutions matter for entrepreneurial development?
In post-Soviet countries, well-functioning institutions are needed to foster productive entrepreneurial development and growth- Ruta AIDIS
July 18, 2023
How to support adult caregivers?
Caregiving for older adults is detrimental to caregivers’ well-being and requires policy interventions to support them- Joan COSTA-FONT
July 6, 2023
Trust in management in organizations
Employee trust in their managers allows a firm to delegate decision-making, aiding both productivity and profitability- Kieron MEAGHER / Andrew WAIT
April 3, 2023
Temperature, productivity, and income
Rising temperatures due to climate change could dampen productivity growth for decades- Olivier DESCHENES
January 6, 2023
Incentivizing sleep?
Insufficient sleep affects employment and productivity- Joan COSTA-FONT
October 20, 2022
Offshoring and labor markets in developing countries
Lessons learned and questions remaining about offshoring and labor markets in developing countries- Arnab K. BASU / Nancy H. CHAU
August 3, 2022
Measuring poverty within the household
Standard poverty measures may drastically understate the problem; the collective household model can help- Caitlin BROWN / Rossella CALVI / Jacob PENGLASE / Denni TOMMASI
April 7, 2022
Refugee children’s earnings in adulthood
Refugee status and country of origin shape the economic outcomes of newcomer children later in life- YOSHIDA Yoko / Jonathan AMOYAW / Rachel MCLAY
December 24, 2021
Gender differences in competitiveness
To what extent can different attitudes toward competition for men and women explain the gender gap in labor markets?- Mario LACKNER
October 1, 2021
Early-life medical care and human capital accumulation
Medical care and public health interventions in early childhood may improve human capital accumulation as well as child health- N. Meltem DAYSAL / Jonas Cuzulan HIRANI
June 18, 2021
Income inequality and social origins
Promoting intergenerational mobility makes societies more egalitarian- Lorenzo CAPPELLARI
October 30, 2020
Sports at the vanguard of labor market policy
Lessons from sports can allow managers to develop better policies at "normal" workplaces- Kerry L. PAPPS
June 15, 2020
Pandemics and the labor market—Then and now
- Karen CLAY
March 13, 2020
Coronavirus and the labor market
December 11, 2019
Transparency in empirical economic research
Open science can enhance research credibility, but only with the correct incentives- Cristina BLANCO-PEREZ / Abel BRODEUR
August 23, 2019
The labor market in Japan, 2000–2018
Despite a plummeting working-age population, Japan has sustained its labor force size because of surging employment among women- KAWAGUCHI Daiji / MORI Hiroaki
April 22, 2019
Why do STEM immigrants do better in one country than another?
Where STEM immigrants were educated strongly influences their economic success and possibly their impact on innovation- Garnett PICOT / Feng HOU
November 30, 2018
Measuring employment and unemployment
Should statistical criteria for measuring employment and unemployment be re-examined?- Andrea BRANDOLINI / Eliana VIVIANO
October 12, 2018
Maternity leave versus early childcare—What are the long-term consequences for children?
Despite increasingly generous parental leave schemes their advantages over subsidized childcare remain unclear- Nabanita Datta GUPTA
September 21, 2018
Effects of regulating international trade on firms and workers
The benefits of trade regulation increase when workers are mobile- Raymond ROBERTSON
April 10, 2018
One-company towns: Scale and consequences
One-company towns concentrate employment but their ability to adapt to adverse events is often very limited- Simon COMMANDER
January 16, 2018
The influence of occupational licensing and regulation
Occupational licensing may raise wages and benefits for those licensed but also reduce access to work without clear benefits to consumers- Morris M. KLEINER
November 1, 2017
Competitiveness, labor market institutions, and monetary policy
Monetary policy should respond to the exchange rate in countries where labor market institutions hinder wage adjustment- Ester FAIA
October 5, 2017
The labor market in Japan, 2000-2016
Despite a plummeting working-age population, Japan has sustained its labor force size, thanks mostly to surging employment among women- KAWAGUCHI Daiji / MORI Hiroaki
July 12, 2017
Gender differences in corporate hierarchies
How and why do the careers of men and women differ? What policies could reduce the differences?- Antti KAUHANEN
April 19, 2017
How is new technology changing job design?
Machines’ ability to perform cognitive, physical, and social tasks is accelerating, dramatically changing jobs and labor markets- Michael GIBBS
January 31, 2017
Are happy workers more productive?
Firms' concerns about the well-being of their employees are largely supported by the evidence- Eugenio PROTO
October 18, 2016
Do global value chains create jobs?
Impacts of GVCs depend on lead firms, specialization, skills, and institutions- Thomas FAROLE
July 19, 2016
Effects of entering adulthood during a recession
Recent declines in youth employment, net worth, and family formation could permanently affect financial well-being- Lisa DETTLING
April 20, 2016
Do in-work benefits work for low-skilled workers?
To boost the employment rate of the low-skilled trapped in inactivity is it sufficient to supplement their earnings?- Bruno Van der LINDEN
January 12, 2016
How are minimum wages set?
Countries set minimum wages in different ways, and some countries set different wages for different groups of workers- Richard DICKENS
From IZA
Selected articles on labor market issues from IZA and reposted on the RIETI website.