Faculty Fellow

Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University

Activities at RIETI


Spatial Economics, Urban Economics

Research Projects


2008 Ph.D. in Economics, the University of Tokyo
2005 M.A. in Economics, the University of Tokyo
2003 B.A. in Economics, the University of Tokyo


2023.10 Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2017.3 Associate Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University
2011.4 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University
2010.4 Associate Professor, Center for Economic Institutions, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
2008.4 Associate Professor, Endowed Chair in Regional Economy and Banking (The 77 Bank), Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University

Selected Publications and Papers

Papers Published in Refereed Journals

  • The Impact of Brokerage in a Communication Network on Productivity: Evidence from Sensor Data (with Tsuyoshi Tsuru and Katsuhito Uehara), Connections, forthcoming.
  • Estimating the Effect of Land Use Regulation on Land Price: At the Kink Point of Building Height Limits in Fukuoka (with Keisuke Takano), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 103, 103955, November 2023.
  • Do sourcing networks make firms global? Microlevel evidence from firm-to-firm transaction networks (with Ryo Itoh), Japanese Economic Review, 72(1), 65-96, January 2021.
  • Agglomeration Economies in Vietnam: A Firm-Level Analysis (with Toshitaka Gokan, Ikuo Kuroiwa), Journal of Asian Economics 62, pp. 52-64, June 2019.
  • Localization of Collaborations in Knowledge Creation (with Hiroyasu Inoue and Yukiko Umeno Saito), The Annals of Regional Science 62(1), 119-140, February 2019.
  • The Expanding Empire and Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities: The Case of Japan's Colonization of Korea during the Pre-war Period (with Tetsuji Okazaki), Economic History Review 71(2), 593-616, May 2018.
  • Localization of Knowledge-creating Establishments (with Hiroyasu Inoue and Yukiko Umeno Saito), Japan and the World Economy 43, 23-29, September 2017.
  • Highways and Industrial Development in the Peripheral Regions of China (with Hangtian Xu), Papers in Regional Science 96(2), 325-356, June 2017.
  • Did China's Coal Mine Regulation Positively Affect Economic Growth? (with Hangtian Xu), Resources Policy 50, 160-168, December 2016.
  • Multi-region Job Search with Moving Costs (with Keisuke Kawata and Yasuhiro Sato), Regional Science and Urban Economics 61, 114-129, November 2016.
  • How Do Supply Chain Networks Affect the Resilience of Firms to Natural Disasters? Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake (with Yasuyuki Todo and Petr Matous), Journal of Regional Science 55, 209-229, March 2015.
  • Agglomeration Effects of Inter-firm Backward and Forward Linkages: Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Investment in China (with Nobuaki Yamashita and Toshiyuki Matsuura), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 34, 24-41, December, 2014.
  • How Important is Geographical Agglomeration to Factory Efficiency in Japan's Manufacturing Sector? (with Kyoji Fukao and Victoria Kravtsova), The Annals of Regional Science 52, 659-696, May, 2014.
  • Sources of Productivity Improvement in Industrial Clusters: The Case of the Prewar Japanese Silk-Reeling Industry (with Yutaka Arimoto and Tetsuji Okazaki), Regional Science and Urban Economics 46, 27-41, May, 2014.
  • Measuring Economic Localization: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data (with Yukiko Umeno Saito and Iichiro Uesugi), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 26(2), 201-220, June, 2012.
  • Estimating Interregional Utility Differentials (with Takatoshi Tabuchi), Journal of Regional Science 51(1), 31-46, February 2011.
  • Economic Division and Spatial Relocation: The Case of Postwar Japan, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 22(3), 383-400, September, 2008.
  • The Effect of Knowledge Accessibility on International Income Inequality, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 18(2), 102-117, July, 2006.