Economic Measurement, Productivity Analysis, Energy and Environment Economics
Research Projects
- Productivity Gaps and Industrial Competitiveness (January 15, 2018 - December 31, 2019)
- International Price Competitiveness and Productivity Gaps (June 1, 2015 - March 31, 2017)
- Evaluating International Competitiveness (April 9, 2013 - March 31, 2015)
2005 Ph. D. in Business and Commerce, Keio University
1995 M.A. in Business and Commerce, Keio University
1993 B.A. in Business and Commerce, Keio University
2017 Professor, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University
2012 Visiting Fellow, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office
2008 Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute of Capital Formation, Development Bank of Japan
2007 APO Productivity Database Project Manager, Asian Productivity Organization
2006 Economist, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Science, Technology and Industry/Economic Analysis and Statistics Division (OECD STI/EAS)
2005 Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office
2003 Center for Business and Government (CBG) Fellow, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
2003 Associate Professor, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University
1996 Assistant Professor, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University
Selected Publications and Papers
APO Productivity Databook 2017, Keio University Press, 2017. (co-authored with Fukunari Kimura)
"A Half Century of Trans-Pacific Competition: Price level indices and productivity gaps for Japanese and U.S. industries, 1955-2012," in D. W. Jorgenson, et al. (eds.) The World Economy-Growth or Stagnation? , Cambridge University Press, Chapter 13, 469-507, 2016. (co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson and Jon D. Samuels)
Measurement of Capital and Productivity, Keio University Press, November 2004. (in Japanese)
"Technological Change and Accumulated Capital: A Dynamic Decomposition of Japan's Growth," in Dietzenbacher and Lahr (eds) Wassily Leontief and Input-Output Economics, Cambridge University Press, 256-293, 2004. (co-authored with Masahiro Kuroda)
KEO Database: Measurement of Output, Labor and Capital Inputs, Keio University Press, 1997. (co-authored with Masahiro Kuroda, Kazushige Shimpo, and Nobuyuki Kobayashi) (in Japanese)
Working Papers
"Can Improvement in Energy Productivity Sustain in UK and Germany?," RCGW Discussion Paper, 60, 2017. (in Japanese)
"Redefining the Picture of Myanmar's Economic Growth: Trade, Production, and Jade," KEO Discussion Paper, 141, 2016. (co-authored with Hiroshi Shirane)
"Labor Productivity and Quality Change in Singapore: Achievements in 1974-2011 and Prospects for the Next Two Decades," KEO Discussion Paper, No. 129, 55p, September 2012. (co-authored with Tomomichi Amano)
"On Measuring the Productivity and the Standard of Living in Japan, 1955-2006," KEO Discussion Paper, 115, 2009. (co-authored with W. Erwin Diewert and Hideyuki Mizobuchi)
"Asset Service Lives: Examination of Directly Observed Discard Data in Japan," KEO Discussion Paper, 99, 2005.
"An Explanation of The Productivity Paradox : TFP Spillover through Capital Accumulation," IMES Discussion Paper Series, Bank of Japan, No-99-E-10, 1999. (co-authored with Masahiro Kuroda)
Papers Published in Refereed Journals
"The Industry Origins of the U.S.-Japan Productivity Gap," Economic System Research, Vol. 19, No.3, 315-342, 2007 (co-authored with Dale Jorgenson)
"Can IT be Japan's Savior?," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol.19, No.4, 543-567, 2005 (co-authored with Fumio Hayashi)
"Productivity Comparison and International Competitiveness," Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis, 5, 1999. (co-authored with Masahiro Kuroda)
2005 The 48th Nikkei Award (Nikkei Keizai-Tosho-Bunka-Sho), Nihon Keizai Shimbun
2005 Keio Award, Keio University