プロジェクト期間: 2008年4月21日 〜 2011年3月31日
- 12-E-038
"Exposure to Low-wage Country Imports and the Growth of Japanese Manufacturing Plants" (Anna Maria MAYDA, NAKANE Masato, STEINBERG, Chad and YAMADA Hiroyuki) - 12-E-034
"Does New Entry Drive Out Incumbents? Evidence from establishment-level data in Japan" (ITO Keiko and KATO Masatoshi) - 12-E-024
"Intensive and Extensive Decisions of Firms with Spatial Dependency" (ITO Yukiko)
- 12-E-001
"Technology and Capital Adjustment Costs: Micro evidence of automobile electronics in the auto-parts suppliers" (UCHIDA Ichihiro, TAKEDA Yosuke and SHIRAI Daichi) - 11-E-076
"How Important is Geographical Agglomeration to Factory Efficiency in Japan's Manufacturing Sector?" (FUKAO Kyoji, Victoria KRAVTSOVA and NAKAJIMA Kentaro) - 11-E-069
"The Overseas Subsidiary Activities and Their Impact on the Performance of Japanese Parent Firms" (EDAMURA Kazuma, Laura HERING, INUI Tomohiko and Sandra PONCET) - 11-E-068
"Do More Productive Firms Locate New Factories in More Productive Locations?
An empirical analysis based on panel data from Japan's Census of Manufactures" (FUKAO Kyoji, IKEUCHI Kenta, KIM YoungGak and KWON Hyeog Ug) - 11-E-064
"Revisiting Productivity Differences and Firm Turnover: Evidence from product-based TFP measures in the Japanese manufacturing industries" (KAWAKAMI Atsushi, MIYAGAWA Tsutomu and TAKIZAWA Miho)
- 11-E-034
"Globalizing Corporate Activities in East Asia and Impact on Domestic Operations: Further evidence from Japanese manufacturing firms" (ANDO Mitsuyo and KIMURA Fukunari) - 11-E-033
"Trade Liberalization and FDI Strategy in Heterogeneous Firms: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data" (HAYAKAWA Kazunobu and MATSUURA Toshiyuki) - 11-E-025
"Simulating Heterogeneous Multinational Firms" (Shawn ARITA and TANAKA Kiyoyasu) - 11-E-003
"Accounting for China's Growth in 1952-2008: China's growth performance debate revisited with a newly constructed data set" (Harry X. WU) - 10-E-044
"Global Fixed Capital Investment by Multinational Firms" (René BELDERBOS, FUKAO Kyoji, ITO Keiko and Wilko LETTERIE) - 10-E-043
"Product Switching and Firm Performance in Japan" (KAWAKAMI Atsushi and MIYAGAWA Tsutomu) - 10-E-040
"Productivity, Markup, Scale Economies, and the Business Cycle: Estimates from firm-level panel data in Japan" (KIYOTA Kozo) - 10-E-037
"Why Do Some Firms Persistently Outperform Others? An investigation of the interactions between innovation and export strategies" (ITO Keiko and LECHEVALIER Sébastien) - 10-E-028
"Output Quality, Skill Intensity, and Factor Contents of Trade: An empirical analysis based on microdata of the Census of Manufactures" (FUKAO Kyoji and ITO Keiko) - 10-E-015
"Working Hours of Part-timers and the Measurement of Firm-level Productivity" (MORIKAWA Masayuki) - 10-J-029
「日本の輸出と雇用」 (清田 耕造)
- 09-E-052
"Resource Reallocation and Zombie Lending in Japan in the '90s" (KWON Hyeog Ug, NARITA Futoshi and NARITA Machiko) - 09-E-051
"Technological Externalities and Economic Distance: A case of the Japanese automobile suppliers" (TAKEDA Yosuke and UCHIDA Ichihiro) - 09-E-049
"International Production Networks and Export/Import Responsiveness to Exchange Rates: The case of Japanese manufacturing firms" (ANDO Mitsuyo and IRIYAMA Akie) - 09-E-048
"Globalization, Productivity and Plant Exit - Evidence from Japan -" (INUI Tomohiko, Rechard KNELLER, MATSUURA Toshiyuki and Danny McGWAN) - 09-E-021
"Estimates of Multifactor Productivity, ICT Contributions and Resource Reallocation Effects in Japan and Korea" (FUKAO Kyoji, MIYAGAWA Tsutomu, Hak K. PYO and Keun Hee RHEE) - 10-J-022
「パートタイム労働時間と生産性-労働時間の多様性と生産性推計の精緻化-」 (森川 正之) - 09-J-032
「大型投資は企業パフォーマンスを向上させるか」 (田中 賢治、宮川 努) - 09-J-018
「自営業主・家族従業者と雇用者の生産性格差」 (徳井 丞次、牧野 達治、高橋 陽子)