
Revisiting Productivity Differences and Firm Turnover: Evidence from product-based TFP measures in the Japanese manufacturing industries

執筆者 川上 淳之  (リサーチアシスタント / 学習院大学経済経営研究所) /宮川 努  (ファカルティフェロー) /滝澤 美帆  (東洋大学)
発行日/NO. 2011年8月  11-E-064
研究プロジェクト 産業・企業の生産性と日本の経済成長


研究では、Foster, Haltiwanger, and Syverson (2008)に従い、工業統計調査を利用した物的産出量(出荷数量)ベースのTFP(TFPQ)を計測した。事業所間のTFP格差は、伝統的なTFP指標である収入ベースのTFP(TFPR)よりも、TFPQの方が大きく、また事業所間TFP格差の持続性は高いことがわかった。




Following Foster, Haltiwanger, and Syverson (2008), we construct physical output based TFP (TFPQ) measures using data from the Census of Manufactures. We find that productivity differences among business establishments using TFPQ are larger than those using the traditional revenue-based TFP measures (TFPR). The negative correlation between physical output and output prices implies that establishments are facing a downward demand curve and the traditional measures of TFP are affected by idiosyncratic demand shocks. Probit estimations regarding exit behavior show that the combined effects of physical productivity improvement and higher prices through the increase in demand result in a lower probability of exit. Breaking down aggregate productivity growth using TFPQ, we find that the contribution of the net entry effects the largest factor to productivity improvement, in contrast to previous Japanese studies. Our results provide a more positive foundation for “creative destruction” policies than previous studies suggest.