
Working Hours of Part-timers and the Measurement of Firm-level Productivity

執筆者 森川 正之  (副所長)
発行日/NO. 2010年4月  10-E-015
研究プロジェクト 産業・企業の生産性と日本の経済成長



1) パートタイムの労働時間は同じ産業内でも企業によって大きな異質性がある。

2) パートタイム労働時間として産業集計データを用いた場合、計測される企業レベルの生産性にはサンプル平均値で4%前後、中央値で1~2%のバイアス(絶対値)が生じ、特にパートタイム労働者比率が高い飲食店、小売業、宿泊業等のサービス産業でバイアスが大きい。

3) ただし、企業別労働時間データによる生産性と産業集計データを用いた生産性の間の相関は非常に高く、各種企業特性や政策要因の生産性への効果を分析する際、産業集計データを用いることによって誤った結論を導くおそれは比較的小さい。

4) サービス産業の企業を対象とした生産性分析で企業レベルの労働時間データが利用できない場合にも、フルタイムとパートタイムを区別してマンアワーを計測することが望ましい。




This paper empirically quantifies what effect the data availability on part-timers' firm-level working hours may have on the accuracy of productivity measurement by using a data set on a large number of Japanese firms. Despite the practical importance of part-time workers in productivity measurement, this issue has not been considered seriously in past empirical studies. According to the analysis of this paper: (1) firm-level working hours of part-timers are quite heterogeneous even within the same industry; (2) when using industry average working hours, the bias of measured productivity is around 4% at the sample mean and from 1% to 2% at the sample median. The biases are especially large for service industries such as restaurant, hotel, and retail trade, where the part-time ratio is high; (3) however, the correlation between measured productivities using industry average working hours and those using firm-level hours is very high. This suggests there is only a small mismeasurement when using industry aggregate data in analyzing effects of firm characteristics or policy measures on productivity; (4) it is desirable to calculate full-time and part-time hours separately in productivity analyses covering service industries. In considering the importance of planning a valid economic growth strategy, enriching firm-level statistics is a cost-effective investment.