Revitalising Multilateralism: Pragmatic Ideas for the New WTO Director-General

開催日 2021年4月20日
スピーカー リチャード・ボールドウィン(高等国際問題・開発研究所(ジュネーブ) 教授 / RIETI外部諮問委員)
スピーカー サイモン・エベネット(ザンクトガレン大学 教授)
コメンテータ 浦田 秀次郎(RIETIファカルティフェロー / 東アジア・アセアン経済研究センター シニアアドバイザー / 早稲田大学名誉教授)
モデレータ 渡辺 哲也(RIETI副所長)
開催言語 英語

"WTO and the pandemic: Never let a crisis go to waste" by Professor Richard BALDWIN
The new WTO Director-General has the best opportunity in years to regain some of the centrality it has lost in the world trading system since the fight against the pandemic must be global, not regional or national. Multilateralism is necessary since the pandemic will not be over anywhere until it is over everywhere and trade will play an important part in making this happen. It will not be easy and there will be tough discussions ahead. But the year 2021 could – under the new leadership – prove to be a very bright dawn for the WTO

"Revitalising Multilateral Trade Cooperation" by Professor Simon J. EVENETT
In this presentation, after a succinct account of the challenges faced by the WTO, several proposals for a short- and medium-term work programme for that organisation will be discussed. The presentation will draw from many contributions to the recent CEPR eBook titled Revitalising Multilateralism: Pragmatic Ideas for the New WTO Director-General.