
Growth and Capitalism in the Era of Climate Change

開催日 2022年7月27日
スピーカー Alessio TERZI(Economist, DG ECFIN European Commission; Lecturer, Sciences Po Lille)
コメンテータ 川口 征洋(経済産業省製造産業局参事官(カーボンニュートラル担当)兼 大臣官房エネルギー・環境・イノベーション政策調整官 兼 大臣官房国際カーボンニュートラル政策室総括企画調整官)
モデレータ 渡辺 哲也(RIETI副所長)
開催言語 英語

“Growth for Good” の著者である 欧州委員会(経済財政総局)エコノミスト、Alessio TERZI(アレッシオ テルツィ)氏をお招きし下記ご講演いただきます。

Historically, industrialization, capitalism, and affluence have contributed to the emissions that are warming the planet’s atmosphere. As humanity starts to grapple with the Herculean challenge of climate change, should economic growth be abandoned to stand a chance of success? Would this lead to a better society, especially in already rich nations, freeing them from pointless consumerism? In Growth for Good, Alessio TERZI takes these legitimate concerns as a starting point to draw the reader on a journey into the socioeconomic, evolutionary, historical and cultural origins of the growth imperative. Growth is underpinned by the human quest for happiness, wellbeing and self-determination, and contributes to the stability of liberal democracy, the peaceful conduct of politics and international relations, and the very way our society is organized: capitalism. Ditching it would not only prove impractical, but would also sow chaos, exacerbating conflict within and between societies. Rather than simply stating impossibilities, the book draws a credible agenda to enroll capitalism in the fight to stave off climate catastrophe. Shelving command-and-control solutions, or the complete reliance on the market, TERZI details a plan involving an activist government, proactive business, and engaged citizens.