森 知也

森 知也顔写真

森 知也 MORI Tomoya




研究分野 主な関心領域




1990年 岐阜大学工学部土木工学研究科卒業
1996年 ペンシルバニア大学大学院地域科学研究科博士課程修了 (Ph.D.)


1996年 - 2009年 京都大学経済学研究所 准教授/助教授
1999年 カトリック・ルーベン大学客員研究員
2009年 - 京都大学経済研究所教授
2012年 - 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター客員教授


  • "On the spatial scale of industrial agglomerations," Journal of Urban Economics 89: 1-20 (2015) (with T. E. Smith)
  • "A probabilistic modeling approach to the detection of industrial agglomerations," Journal of Economic Geography 14(3): 547-588 (2014) (with T. E. Smith)
  • "Increasing returns in transportation and the formation of hubs," Journal of Economic Geography 12(4): 877-897 (2012)
  • "An industrial agglomeration approach to central place and city size regularities," Journal of Regional Science 51(4), 694-731 (2011) (with T.E. Smith).
  • "The Number-Average Size Rule: a new empirical relationship between industrial location and city size," Journal of Regional Science 48, 165-211 (2008) (with K. Nishikimi and T.E. Smith).
  • "Monocentric versus polycentric models in urban economics," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed., Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 754-217 (2008).
  • "A divergence statistic for industrial localization," Review of Economics and Statistics 87(4), 635-651 (2005) (with K.Nishikimi and T.E.Smith).
  • "Skills, agglomeration, and segmentation," European Economic Review 49, 201-225 (2005) (with A.Turrini).
  • "Spatial distribution of economic activities in Japan and China," in J.V.Henderson and J.-F. Thisse (eds.), Handbook of Urban and Regional Economics Vol.4, North-Holland (2004) (with M.Fujita, J.V.Henderson, Y.Kanemoto).
  • "Economies of transport density and industrial agglomeration," Regional Science and Urban Economics 32, 167-200 (2002) (with K.Nishikimi).
  • "On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems," European Economic Review 43, 209-251 (1999) (with M.Fujita and P.Krugman).
  • Structural stability and the evolution of urban systems, Regional Science and Urban Economics 27, 399-442 (1997) (with M.Fujita).
  • "A modeling of megalopolis formation: the maturing of city systems," Journal of Urban Economics 42, 133-157 (1997).
  • "The role of ports in the making of major cities: self-organization and hub-effect," Journal of Development Economics 49, 93-120 (1996) (with M.Fujita).


応用地域学会第一回坂下賞 (2004年)

2009年 - Journal of Urban Economics 編集委員
2005年 - Regional Science and Urban Economics 編集委員
2012年 - Papers in Regional Science 編集委員