
When State Becomes the Only Buyer: Effects of national volume-based procurement of cardiac stents in China

執筆者 SUN Jessica Ya(華中科技大学)/殷 婷(研究員(特任))/LIU Zhiyong(華中科技大学)
発行日/NO. 2023年9月  23-E-065
研究プロジェクト コロナ禍における日中少子高齢化問題に関する経済分析




Medical device prices are a significant drivers of high healthcare spending in China; however, lowering prices remains an open question. We examine a unique solution for China as the central government acts as a single buyer for medical devices in the context of the national volume-based procurement (VBP) of cardiac stents. The tender held in November 2020 and reduced the average price of cardiac stents by 95%. Using detailed inpatient discharge record data, we found that the national VBP program increased patients’ total medical spending by 20%. The failure in reducing medical costs was due to physician-induced demand; the utilization of coronary stents and drug-eluting balloons increased by almost 10%. Distortionary effects were more prominent for patients with residential insurance and physicians with higher persuasion power.