執筆者 | 平口 良司(明治大学) |
発行日/NO. | 2023年9月 23-E-063 |
研究プロジェクト | 経済主体の異質性と日本経済の持続可能性 |
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In this paper, we study the two-period overlapping generations model in which individuals are subject to idiosyncratic risks and study the optimal provision of government debt. In our model, individuals are ex ante homogeneous, and hold risky capital and safe government bonds in the first period. They are subject to idiosyncratic capital return risk in the second period. It is well-known that in deterministic overlapping generations models, when government debt is provided to maximize steady state welfare, the interest rate (r) is equal to the economic growth rate (g). However, in our model with idiosyncratic risks, the risk-free rate is less than the economic growth rate in the optimal steady state. This implies that even when the rollover of government debt is sustainable, increases in debt may reduce welfare. When the return on capital accumulation is risky, the level of safe assets the individuals hold is inefficiently high. Setting the risk-free rate below the economic growth rate reduces demand for government bonds and enhances capital accumulation, which is welfare-improving.