
Does Risk Aversion Affect Individuals Actions and Interests in Angel Investing? Empirical evidence from Japan

執筆者 本庄 裕司(ファカルティフェロー)/池内 健太(上席研究員(政策エコノミスト))/中村 寛樹(東京大学)
発行日/NO. 2022年4月  22-E-040
研究プロジェクト アントレプレヌール・エコシステムの形成




This study explores individuals’ actions and interests in angel investing, using a sample of more than 7,000 Japanese individuals obtained from original survey data. We examine whether risk aversion and discount rate are associated with angel investing. To provide a clear picture of potential and actual angel investors, we classify individuals’ attitudes toward angel investing into “no interest,” “interest only,” and “action.” The results reveal that individuals’ risk aversion is negatively associated with their actions and interests in angel investing. We also find that wealthy individuals are more likely to engage in and have an interest in angel investing. Moreover, we find that among individuals with entrepreneurial experience, the discount rate is positively associated with angel investing, suggesting that entrepreneurs with a higher expected rate of return are more likely to engage in and have an interest in angel investing.

Published: Honjo, Yuji, Kenta Ikeuchi, and Hiroki Nakamura, 2024. "Does risk aversion affect individuals’ interests and actions in angel investing? Empirical evidence from Japan," Japan and the World Economy, Volume 70 (2024), 101253.