
A Half Century of Trans-Pacific Competition: Price level indices and productivity gaps for Japanese and U.S. industries, 1955-2012

執筆者 Dale W. JORGENSON  (ハーバード大学) /野村 浩二  (ファカルティフェロー) /Jon D. SAMUELS  (米国商務省経済分析局)
発行日/NO. 2015年5月  15-E-054
研究プロジェクト 日米相対比価体系と国際競争力評価


本稿は、日米両国の産業間における価格競争力および生産性ギャップの測定によって、半世紀以上にわたる日米間の産業競争力の源泉を評価し、両国における生産性改善のための方向性に対して示唆を得ることを目的としている。はじめに、1955年から2012年にわたり、さまざまな産業別価格水準指数(Price Level Index: PLI)の開発をおこなう。産出に関する価格水準指数は国際競争力評価の指標として、資本、労働、エネルギー、原材料およびサービス(KLEMS)といった投入要素に関する価格水準指数は価格競争力の源泉を示す指標として解される。一国集計レベルでは、集計産出量としての国内総生産(実質GDP)に対する価格水準指数、および労働と資本といった生産要素に対する価格水準指数とが、長期にわたる日米両国における産業構造変化および詳細な就業構造と資産構造の変化を反映して推計される。



Trans-Pacific competition between Japanese and U.S. industries has provided powerful incentives for mutually beneficial economic cooperation between Japan and the United States. The benefits would be greatly enhanced by the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, an international agreement that would involve Japan, the United States, and 10 additional countries of the Asia-Pacific region. In this paper, we analyze competition between Japanese and U.S. industries in detail over more than a half century. We conclude with a discussion of opportunities for improving productivity performance in both countries.

We first present new estimates of price level indices for Japan and the United States over the period 1955-2012. These indices are key indicators of international competitiveness between the two countries, often expressed as over-valuation or under-valuation of the Japanese yen relative to the U.S. dollar. We provide price level indices for outputs and inputs of 36 industries and for the two economies as a whole. The inputs at the industry level include capital, labor, energy, materials, and services (KLEMS). For an economy as a whole, output is gross domestic product (GDP) and the inputs are capital and labor services.

We use our price level indices to generate new estimates of productivity gaps for the two countries and for individual industries. The productivity gap is an indicator of the efficiency of production. A wide Japan-U.S. productivity gap that existed in 1955 contracted for more than three decades, and Japan came close to parity with the United States in 1991. After the collapse of the "bubble economy" in Japan, the Japan-U.S. productivity gap widened again and only a few industries in Japan retained a productivity advantage over their U.S. counterparts in 2012. We conclude that industries sheltered from international competition offer the greatest opportunities for improvements in productivity performance.