
Roles of Wholesalers in Transaction Networks

執筆者 大久保 敏弘  (慶応義塾大学) /大野 由香子  (慶応義塾大学) /齊藤 有希子  (上席研究員)
発行日/NO. 2014年10月  14-E-059
研究プロジェクト 組織間、発明者間の地理的近接性とネットワーク





Wholesalers are considered to play an important role in ensuring efficient transaction networks. Using unique data on Japanese domestic transactions compiled by Tokyo Shoko Research, we investigate wholesalers' roles in transaction networks for intermediate manufacturing goods. Comparing manufacturing firms transacting directly and those connected indirectly through wholesalers, we find a clear asymmetry in the characteristics of buyer- and seller-side manufacturers that tend to rely on wholesalers. We also examine how transaction distances differ depending on transaction partners, and find that, as compared to manufacturing partners in direct transactions, wholesalers tend to locate closer to their manufacturing buyers and farther from their manufacturing sellers, ceteris paribus. This gives us insights on how wholesalers support transaction networks that connect geographically dispersed manufacturing firms.