
Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration Patterns: An application to manufacturing industries in Japan

執筆者 森 知也  (ファカルティフェロー) /Tony E. SMITH  (ペンシルバニア大学)
発行日/NO. 2012年1月  12-E-006
研究プロジェクト 経済集積の形成とその空間パターンにおける秩序の創発:理論・実証研究の枠組と地域経済政策への応用




The standard approach to studying industrial agglomeration is to construct summary measures of the "degree of agglomeration" within each industry and to test for significant agglomeration with respect to some appropriate reference measures. But such summary measures often fail to distinguish between industries that exhibit substantially different spatial patterns of agglomeration. In a previous paper, a cluster-detection procedure was developed that yields a more detailed spatial representation of agglomeration patterns (Mori and Smith [28]). This methodology is applied here to the case of manufacturing industries in Japan, and is shown to yield a rich variety of agglomeration patterns. In addition, to analyze such patterns in a more quantitative way, a new set of measures is developed that focuses on both the global extent and local density of agglomeration patterns. Here, it is shown for the case of Japan that these measures provide a useful classification of pattern types that reflect a number of theoretical findings in the New Economic Geography.