
Stakeholder-Oriented Corporate Governance and Firm-Specific Human Capital:
Wage analysis of employer-employee matched data

執筆者 小滝 一彦  (上席研究員) /児玉 直美  (コンサルティングフェロー)
発行日/NO. 2010年3月  10-E-014
研究プロジェクト 企業統治分析のフロンティア:日本企業システムの進化と世界経済危機のインパクト






Theories of economic institutions predict that complementarity exists between the nature of corporate governance of a firm and the nature of its human capital investment. The complementarity theory insists that the commitment of a firm and its employees to invest in firm-specific human capital will be reinforced by the commitment of the firm to adopt stakeholder-oriented corporate governance. Using employer-employee matched data from the headquarters of large Japanese firms, this paper investigates the relationship between the wage-tenure profile of a firm and the nature of its corporate governance. Analysis of the wage-tenure profiles shows that firms with stakeholder-oriented corporate governance invest in firm-specific human capital more heavily than those with shareholder-oriented corporate governance.