執筆者 | 足立 大輔(研究員(特任))/川口 大司(ファカルティフェロー)/齊藤 有希子(上席研究員(特任)) |
発行日/NO. | 2024年4月 24-E-047 |
研究プロジェクト | 日本の労働市場に関する実証研究 |
ダウンロード/関連リンク |
We study the effect of a tax policy on adopting industrial robots and firm performance, notably in terms of employment. Combining the policy variation in the Tax Credit for Promoting Productivity-Enhancing Equipment Investment (TC-PPEI) in Japan and newly collected Japanese firm-level longitudinal data on robot adoption, we find that the firms eligible for the TC-PPEI increased the adoption of robots. Our event-study analysis reveals that when firms adopt robots, they do not decrease the total number of workers but significantly increase employment after 1-3 years of adoption events and sales. Our results suggest that adopting robots can create employment instead of destroying it at the firm level.