
Short-term Economic Effect of EU-CBAM on Japanese Industries



この問題に対して、EUは2025年より炭素国境調整措置(carbon border adjustment measure, CBAM)を導入し、競争条件の均等化(leveling the playing field)を行う。EU-CBAMでは、生産時に排出されたCO2に対して、EU-ETSと同等の炭素税を輸入段階に課す制度である。対象となる産品は、セメント、鉄・鉄鋼、アルミニウム、肥料、電力となっている。CBAMは、輸出国に対してCPの導入およびEU-ETSと同等水準のカーボンプライスに設定することを促す狙いがある。




This paper utilizes the 2015 Japanese Domestic Input-Output table and empirically analyzes the short-term impact of the EU-CBAM on the Japanese industry. We compare four scenarios reflecting the Japanese response to the implementation of EU-CBAM. The results show that the impact of the implementation of a “new” carbon price within Japan is smaller when the targeted industries are restricted to items regulated under CBAM, namely cement, iron and steel and fertilizers. Furthermore, if effective carbon rate is used to calculate the industry specific carbon price needed to match the EU-ETS permit price, then the impact of the regulated industries is mitigated. This suggests that tax reforms, switching energy taxes to carbon taxes, are needed to mitigate the short-term impact of carbon pricing policies. This will enable Japanese exporting industries to comply with EU-CBAM regulations by reporting their explicit carbon prices.