
The Decline in Capital Formation in Japan: Empirical research on Japanese listed firms data

執筆者 石川 貴幸(立正大学 / リサーチアシスタント)
発行日/NO. 2023年2月  23-E-008
研究プロジェクト コロナ危機後の資本蓄積と生産性向上



本研究ではCrouzet and Everly (2018)に従って、日本における有形資産投資の低迷が、他の先進国同様に、無形資産投資へのシフトに起因しているかを検証する。本研究では、企業レベルのデータを用いた、トービンのQ型有形資産投資関数の推定を行う。この推定結果を用いて、無形資産投資へのシフトが有形資産投資の低迷をどの程度説明できるのかを検証する。



Physical investment in Japan has weakened since the bubble burst. The U.S. and other advanced countries have also experienced a slump in physical investment since the global financial crisis.

Following Crouzet and Everly (2018), we examine whether the slump in physical investment in Japan shifted to investment in intangible assets, as in other advanced countries. Using firm-level data, this study estimates a Tobin’s Q-type investment function for tangible assets. Then, using these estimation results, we examine the extent to which the shift to investment in intangible assets has been a factor in Japan’s weak investment in tangible assets.

Our estimation results confirm that Research and Development (R&D) investment significantly explains weak physical investments. However, R&D can explain only part of the slump in physical investment. The results suggest that, unlike in other countries, not only intangible investment but also aggressive physical investment is essential for productivity improvement in Japan.