
Does VC Investor Type Matter? Determinants and effects of VC backing for new firms in Japan

執筆者 加藤 雅俊(関西学院大学)/Nicolas LEGENDRE(HEC Montreal)/吉田 大喜(慶應義塾大学)
発行日/NO. 2022年12月  22-E-117
研究プロジェクト アントレプレヌール・エコシステムの形成




This study examines venture capital (VC) backing among new firms in Japan, exploring how the determinants and effects of VC backing vary depending on the VC investor type. We estimate the determinants of VC backing and find that new firms receiving investments from independent VCs tend to be larger, younger, and more innovative than non-VC-backed firms. However, the factors affecting investments from corporate, finance-affiliated, and government-funded VCs significantly differ from those affecting independent VCs. To explore the effect of VC backing, we construct a matched sample using propensity score matching. Furthermore, we estimate the average treatment effect of receiving VC investments to clarify whether new VC-backed firms achieve superior growth and innovation performance. The results indicate that investments from independent VC firms enhance the performance of new firms. However, we find no significant effect on new firm performance for other VC investor types.