執筆者 | 要藤 正任(京都大学)/打田 篤彦(追手門学院大学) |
発行日/NO. | 2022年11月 22-E-108 |
研究プロジェクト | 文理融合による新しい生命・社会科学構築にむけた実験的試み |
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This study attempts to clarify the monetary value of social support, the importance of which is becoming widely recognized in the context of the global spread of COVID-19. Using the Life Satisfaction Approach and data obtained from a nationwide survey in Japan, we estimated that the monetary value of social support can be as high as the average household consumption expenditure for one year, and that the value of life satisfaction gained by providing social support to elderly people who live alone and who do not receive social support can be more than 1 trillion yen. These results suggest that the value of social support is high, and that significant social benefits might accrue from policy-based promotion of social support provision.