
Optimal Tariffs on a Monopoly Platform in Two-sided Markets

執筆者 高 國峯(淡江大学)/椋 寛(学習院大学)
発行日/NO. 2022年7月  22-E-066
研究プロジェクト グローバル経済が直面する政策課題の分析




This study investigates how countries set import tariffs on a monopoly platform’s product in a two-sided market. Consumers and service providers interact through the platform’s product, wherein service providers’ entries spur product demand and larger demand invokes more entries. Optimal import policies for importing countries are subsidies when network externalities and the number of importing countries are large, while they are tariffs when they are small. There is a case where optimal non-cooperative policies are import tariffs, but optimal cooperative policies are import subsidies. These results suggest that promoting digital trade and cooperative actions in tariff settings is important to advance trade liberalization for the platform’s products.