
Centrality Bias in Inter-city Trade

執筆者 森 知也 (ファカルティフェロー)/Jens WRONA (デュイスブルク・エッセン大学)
発行日/NO. 2021年4月  21-E-035
研究プロジェクト 経済集積を基本単位とする地域経済分析経済集積の空間パターンと要因分析手法のための実証枠組の構築




Large cities with central location excessively export to smaller cities in close proximity. Using Japanese inter-city trade data, we identify a substantial centrality bias: Exports from central places to their hinterland are 40%-100% larger than predicted by gravity forces. This upward bias stems from aggregating industries, which are hierarchically distributed across large and small cities. Decomposing the centrality bias along the margins of our data, we identify the extensive industry margin as the main driver behind this aggregation bias. Relying on a theory-consistent decomposition of the aggregate gravity equation, we also sort out the underlying theoretical channels that are responsible for the manifestation of the centrality bias.