
Three Minds Equal Manjushari's Wisdom: An Anatomy of Informal Social Learning with Heterogenous Agents by the Hierarchical Bayesian Approach

執筆者 佐藤 正弘 (東北大学)/太田 塁 (横浜市立大学)/伊藤 新 (研究員)/矢野 誠 (理事長)
発行日/NO. 2020年12月  20-E-092
研究プロジェクト 市場の質の法と経済学に関するエビデンスベースポリシー研究




We learn from all sorts of informal social learning devices, which convey information only inaccurately. Despite this, however, a case supporting a positive contribution of such a device has not been captured in the existing empirical literature. This study builds a discrete choice model of consumption in which informal social learning takes place in a Beta-Bernoulli process of information update. The model is estimated by the Bayesian statistical method with Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. It provides evidence supporting the positive role of an informal device, to which individual heterogeneity and the effacing of bad news contribute.