
The Effects of Negative and Positive Information on Attitudes toward Immigration

執筆者 五十嵐 彰 (立教大学)/尾野 嘉邦 (ファカルティフェロー)
発行日/NO. 2020年3月  20-E-023
研究プロジェクト 人々の政治行動に関する実証研究ー経済産業面での政策的課題に対するエビデンスベースの処方箋の提示を目指して




The literature on immigration has emphasized the close connection between potential threats posed by immigrants and the development of anti-immigrant sentiment among natives. Yet, immigrants also benefit the host society, and we know little about the effects of perceived benefits on attitudes toward immigration. By conducting a vignette survey experiment, we explore how exposure to negative and positive information about immigrants shapes people's attitudes toward immigration. Our results show that feelings of hostility toward immigrants are reduced in respondents when they are exposed to positive information, while the exposure to negative information does not necessarily change their attitude. Interestingly, these results are equally observed across four major issue domains discussed in existing studies—jobs, financial burden, culture, and physical safety. Furthermore, the effects of exposure to positive information are not modified by partisanship, race, education, or exposure to immigrants. These results suggest that pro-immigrant rhetoric can be effective in changing people's attitudes toward immigration.

Published: Igarashi, Akira, and Yoshikuni Ono, 2022. "The effects of negative and positive information on attitudes towards immigration," International Migration, Volume 60, Issue 4 (2022), 137-149.