
The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Employment in a Segmented Labor Market

執筆者 横山 泉 (一橋大学)/比嘉 一仁 (九州大学)/川口 大司 (ファカルティフェロー)
発行日/NO. 2015年12月  15-E-139
研究プロジェクト 変化する日本の労働市場―展望と政策対応―




How do exchange rate fluctuations affect the employment of regular and non-regular workers in a segmented labor market? We investigate the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the employment adjustment of regular and non-regular workers using heterogeneous dependence on international trade across firms for identification. The analysis of Japanese firm-level panel data reveals that appreciation of the yen decreases the employment of exporting firms. The adjustment elasticity of non-regular employment is about five times greater than that of regular employment. Regular employment reacts more to the permanent exchange rate shocks extracted by the Beverage and Nelson decomposition, whereas non-regular employment reacts less. The estimation results suggest a significant difference in adjustment costs between regular and non-regular employment in the segmented Japanese labor market.

Published: Yokoyama, Izumi, Kazuhito Higa and Daiji Kawaguchi, 2021. "Employment adjustments of regular and non-regular workers to exogenous shocks: Evidence from exchange-rate fluctuation," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 74(2), pp. 470-510.