執筆者 | 細野 薫 (学習院大学) /滝澤 美帆 (東洋大学) /鶴 光太郎 (ファカルティフェロー) |
発行日/NO. | 2013年2月 13-E-010 |
研究プロジェクト | 労働市場制度改革 |
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2008年から2009年のグローバル金融危機の国際伝播(International Transmission)の影響を、日本企業の株価の変化(CAR:累積超過収益率)を用いたイベントスタディと企業業績(ROAと売上)の変化を観察することで分析した。
We investigate the international transmission of the financial crisis in 2008-2009 to Japanese firms by examining both the stock price responses to the crisis events and the changes in operating performance subsequent to the crisis. Both the stock price responses and ex-post operating performance consistently indicate that the crisis hit Japanese firms through the trade and liquidity channels. The quantitative effects of the two channels, however, differ between the two performance measures—the stock market weighed more on the liquidity channel than the trade channel, while ex-post operating performance indicate that the latter played a more important role than the former in transmitting the crisis to Japanese firms.
Published: Hosono, Kaoru, Miho Takizawa, and Kotaro Tsuru, 2016. "International transmission of the 2007-2009 financial crisis: Evidence from Japan," The Japanese Economic Review Vol. 67(3), pp. 295-328