- 日時:2008年7月25日(金) 13:30-17:55
- 会場:RIETI 国際セミナー室 (東京都千代田区霞が関1丁目3番1号 経済産業省 別館11階1121室)
- 開催言語:日本語⇔英語(同時通訳あり)
総合司会:松本 加代 (RIETI研究員)
1998年東京大学法学部卒業、通商産業省入省。繊維課、流通政策課、商務課、2004年会計課課長補佐を経て、2006年より現職。2003年George Washington University Law School卒業(LL.M)、2004年Georgetown University Law School卒業(LL.M)。
主な著作物:「規制と間接収用-投資協定仲裁判断例が示す主要な着眼点-」RIETI Discussion Paper Series(08-J-027), Jun 2008; 「投資協定の新局面と日本:第4回 サハリンIIと投資協定」, 国際商事法務35巻2号, 2007(小寺彰氏と共著)
小寺 彰 (RIETIファカルティフェロー/東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授)
Anna JOUBIN-BRET (Senior Legal Adviser, Policies and Capacity-building Branch (PCBB), Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise(DIAE), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD))
Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret is the Senior Legal Adviser of the program on investment policies with the Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise of UNCTAD, Geneva. She is the technical assistance and training coordinator of the work programme on international investment agreements (IIAs). She has been overseeing the research of the programme, including the publications of the UNCTAD Series on issues in international investment agreements. Among other publications, she has co-authored the recent UNCTAD publication on "Bilateral investment treaties 1995-2006: Trends in investment rulemaking" and several articles published recently.
Ms. Joubin-Bret holds a post-graduate degree (DEA) in Private International Law from the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. She graduated in International Economic Law from University Paris I and in Political Science from Institut d'Etudes Politiques. She has been Legal Counsel in the legal department of the Schneider Group, General Counsel of the KIS Group and Director-Expert of Pomagalski S.A. She has been appointed judge at the Commercial Court in Grenoble (France).
Louis T. WELLS (Herbert F. Johnson Professor, International Management, Harvard Business School)
Professor Louis T. Wells is the Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management at the Harvard Business School. He has served as consultant to governments of a number of developing countries, as well as to international organizations and private firms. His principal consulting activities have been concerned with foreign investment policy and with negotiations between foreign investors and host governments.
His research interests include multinational enterprises; international business-government relations; foreign investment in developing countries; and foreign investment by firms from developing countries. He was the Coordinator for Indonesia Projects, Harvard Institute for International Development, Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1994-5. His associations include: Fellow - Academy of International Business, member - Foreign Advisory Board - Lahore Business School, and member - Council on Foreign Relations.
Professor Wells received a BS in Physics from Georgia Tech and his MBA and DBA from the Harvard Business School.
今野 秀洋 ((独)日本貿易保険理事長)
佐久間 総一郎 (新日本製鐵株式会社法規担当部長)
浅川 和宏 (RIETIファカルティフェロー/慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科教授)
早稲田大学政治経済学部政治学科卒業後、(株)日本興業銀行入行。ハーバード大学MBA取得。INSEAD(欧州経営大学院)にてPh.D. (Management) 取得。慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科・講師, 助教授を経て教授。その間、マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)客員研究員。現在は、(独立行政法人)経済産業研究所(RIETI)ファカルティー・フェロー、米Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Programアフィリエート兼任。またウィーン経済大学客員教授歴任。組織学会評議員、国際ビジネス研究学会理事、異文化研究学会理事、Asia Academy of Management理事、『組織科学』シニアエディター、Journal of International Management編集委員、Journal of International Business Studies前編集査読委員等も務める。2006年度Asia Academy of Management国際学会プログラム・チェア。専門は国際経営学、グローバル・イノベーション論。
主な著作物:『グローバル経営入門』(マネジメントテキストシリーズ, 日本経済新聞社, 2003)の他、"Organizational tension in international R&D management"(Research Policy 30.5.) 2001など国際学術誌掲載論文多数。
司会:小寺 彰 (RIETIファカルティフェロー/東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授)
三田 紀之 (経済産業省通商政策局経済連携課長)
濵本 正太郎 (神戸大学大学院法学研究科教授)
近著:Eléments pour une théorie de la nullité en droit internantional public, thèse, Paris II, 2007; "An Undemocratic Guardian of Democracy: International Human Rights Complaint Procedures", Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, vol. 38, 2007, pp. 199-216; 「投資保護条約に基づく仲裁手続における投資契約違反の扱い」RIETIディスカッションペーパー(2008)
Anna JOUBIN-BRET (Senior Legal Adviser, Policies and Capacity-building Branch (PCBB), Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise(DIAE), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD))
Louis T. WELLS (Herbert F. Johnson Professor, International Management, Harvard Business School)