March 15, 2017
Measuring the Quality of Education and Health Services
March 1, 2017
Uncertainty over Trade Policies Forming a Factor in the Economic Downturn
February 24, 2017
Interpreting "Several Opinions on Comprehensively Opening the Elderly Care Service Market and Enhancing the Quality of Elderly Care Services"
January 25, 2017
Potential for Trade Conflicts between the United States and China
January 20, 2017
Path to a New Future of Evidence-based Policymaking Paved by a Public Data Platform
December 27, 2016
Cultural Diversification through Employment of Foreign Workers: Benefiting firms and cities
December 15, 2016
Japan Must Form a Bulwark to Protect Globalization
December 5, 2016
Development of Cross-regional Power Grid Infrastructure in the Liberalized Electricity Market
October 20, 2016
Uncertainty of Population Forecasts for Municipalities
September 27, 2016
Are Periodic Health Checks Effective in Extending Longevity and Reducing Medical Expenditures?
September 14, 2016
Murky Economic Outlook as Identified in Newspaper Articles
September 9, 2016
What Should Japan Do with Nuclear Power, Renewables, and Electricity Conservation?
August 24, 2016
Social Challenges of Automated Driving: From the development of AI technology to the development of relevant rules
August 1, 2016
An Economic Perspective of Mental Health Problems
July 25, 2016
Inbound Tourism Boom and Beyond: Travelers exploring everyday life in Japan
June 20, 2016
Evidence of "Evidence-based Policymaking"
May 27, 2016
Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration as an Open Innovation Initiative for Regional Revitalization
May 2, 2016
What Will the Failure of the Doha Oil Talks Bring?