張 紅詠

張 紅詠顔写真

張 紅詠 ZHANG Hongyong



個人ホームページ Hongyong ZHANG (google.com)


研究分野 主な関心領域




1998年 中国青島海洋大学外国語学院修了
2008年 関西学院大学商学部卒業
2013年 京都大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程修了
2013年 京都大学 博士(経済学)


1998年 株式会社宇野通商(船会社) 勤務
2000年 株式会社トーメン(商社) 勤務
2013年 独立行政法人経済産業研究所 研究員
2016年 経済協力開発機構(OECD) コンサルタント(非常勤)
2016年 アジア開発銀行(ADB) Visiting Scholar(非常勤)
2018年 学習院大学東洋文化研究所 客員研究員(非常勤)
2019年 京都大学大学院経済学研究科 外部研究員(非常勤)
2020年 独立行政法人経済産業研究所 上席研究員


Multinational Firms and Foreign Direct Investment

  • Moving out of China? Evidence from Japanese multinational firms, Economic Modelling, 110, May 2022, 105826. (with Changyuan Luo and Chunxiao Si)
  • Learning and information transmission within multinational corporations, European Economic Review, 143, April 2022, 104016. (with Cheng Chen and Chang Sun)
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Production: Evidence from Japanese Multinational Firms, The International Economy, December 2021, 24: 142-165.
  • Networks of foreign affiliates: Evidence from Japanese micro-data, The World Economy, July 2020, 43(7): 1841-1867. (with Dorothée Rouzet and Francesca Spinelli)

International Trade and Trade Policy

  • The US-China Trade War: Implications for Japan’s Global Value Chains, in Geopolitics, Supply Chains, and International Relations in East Asia, Etel Solingen (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, May 2021.
  • The Margins of Intermediate Goods Trade: Theory and Evidence, The International Economy, July 2020, 23: 105-144. (with Tomohiro Ara)
  • Political connections and antidumping investigations: Evidence from China, China Economic Review, August 2018, 50: 34-41.
  • Markups and exporting behaviors of foreign affiliates, Journal of Comparative Economics, August 2017, 45(3): 445-455. (with Lianming Zhu)
  • Impacts of the WTO accession on Chinese exports, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, May 2016, 14(4): 347-364. (with Ryuhei Wakasugi)

Uncertainty and Firms

  • Measuring business-level expectations and uncertainty: survey evidence and the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese Economic Review, July 2021, 72(3): 509-532. (with Cheng Chen and Tatsuro Senga)

Chinese Economy

  • The value-added tax reform and labor market outcomes: Firm-level evidence from China, China Economic Review, 69, October 2021, 101678. (with Yuxiang Yang)
  • Understanding the international mobility of Chinese temporary workers, The World Economy, March 2019, 42(3): 738-758.
  • How does agglomeration promote the product innovation of Chinese firms? China Economic Review, September 2015, 35: 105-120.