近藤 絢子

近藤 絢子顔写真

近藤 絢子 KONDO Ayako


東京大学社会科学研究所 教授


研究分野 主な関心領域




2009年5月 PhD in Economics, Columbia University


2009年 - 2011年 大阪大学社会経済研究所講師
2011年 - 2013年 法政大学経済学部准教授
2013年 - 2016年 横浜国立大学国際社会科学研究院准教授
2016年 - 2020年 東京大学社会科学研究所准教授
2020年 - 現職


  • "Peer effects in employment status: Evidence from housing lotteries," with Masahiro Shoji, Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 113, 2019, 103195.
  • "The Effects of Graduating from College during a Recession on Living Standards", with Daiji Kawaguchi, Economic Inquiry, 58: 283-293, 2020.
  • "Impact of increased long-term care insurance payments on employment and wages in formal long-term care," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 53, 2019, 101034.
  • "The Effects of Supply Chain Disruptions Caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on Workers." Japan and the World Economy, Volume 47, 2018, Pages 40-50.
  • "The Effectiveness of Government Intervention to Promote Elderly Employment: Evidence from Elderly Employment Stabilization Law" with Hitoshi Shigeoka, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 70 (4): 1008-1036. August 2017.
  • "Availability of Long-term Care Facilities and Middle-aged People’s Labor Supply in Japan" Asian Economic Policy Review, 12 (1) 95-112, January 2017.
  • "Researchers' Career Transitions over the Life Cycle" with Daiji kawaguchi and Keiji Saito. Scientometrics, 109(3), 1435-1454. 2016.
  • "Effects of increased elderly employment on other workers’ employment and elderly’s earnings in Japan," IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2016, 5:2
  • "Differential Effects of Graduating during a Recession across Gender and Race", IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 4:23, December 2015.
  • "Inter-industry labor reallocation and task distance" with Saori Naganuma, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 38, December 2015, Pages 127-147.
  • "Effects of Universal Health Insurance on Health Care Utilization, Supply-Side Responses and Mortality Rates: Evidence from Japan," with Hitoshi Shigeoka, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 99, March 2013, Pages 1-23.
  • "In Search of a Better Life: The Occupational Attainment of Rural and Urban Migrants in China," with Dongshu Ou, Chinese Sociological Review, 46(1), 25-59, 2013.
  • "Fiscal Policy Cyclicality and Growth within the US States", with Justin Svec, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Advances) , Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2012.
  • "Long-term Effects of Labor Market Conditions on Family Formation for Japanese Youth", with Yuki Hashimoto, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 26 (1), 1-21. March 2012.
  • "Gender Specific Labor Market Conditions and Family Formation," Journal of Population Economics, Volume 25, Number 1, 151-174. December 2011.
  • "Long-term effects of a recession at labor market entry in Japan and the United States" with Yuji Genda and Souichi Ohta, Journal of Human Resources, 45(1): 157-196, Winter 2010.
  • "Does the First Job Really Matter? State Dependency in Employment Status in Japan", Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 21. September 2007. 379-402.