
Multinational Firm Innovation and Affiliate Sourcing Decisions

執筆者 Eric BOND(ヴァンダービルト大学)/HOANG Trang(米連邦準備制度理事会)/馬 岩(神戸大学)/牧岡 亮(リサーチアソシエイト)
発行日/NO. 2025年1月  25-E-007
研究プロジェクト グローバル経済が直面する政策課題の分析




The paper studies the effect of R&D investments by parent multinational corporations (MNC) and their affiliates on the decisions of those affiliates to purchase intermediate inputs across different locations. We first develop a theoretical model of R&D and sourcing decisions to provide potential mechanisms and to guide our empirical analysis. Our fixed-effects regression results imply that, first, higher affiliate R&D expenditures are associated with a higher share of the affiliate’s purchases from local firms. Second, higher R&D expenditures by affiliates in other countries (i.e., those under the same parent firm but located in a different foreign country) are associated with a higher share of affiliate purchases from those countries. Third, we find that the affiliate’s R&D expenditures are negatively correlated with the purchase share from the parent home country and from the parent firm.