
China Shock on Japanese Firms: Firms' differential reactions to the increase in Chinese imports

執筆者 伊藤 匡(学習院大学)/松浦 寿幸(慶應義塾大学)
発行日/NO. 2022年4月  22-E-036
研究プロジェクト グローバリゼーションと日本経済:企業の対応と世界貿易ガバナンス




This study investigates the impact of import competition from China, using the firm/establishment level data from the Census of Manufacturer with a particular focus on firms’ choice of multiple reactions. We find that product switching is an important reaction for firms facing increasingly harsh competition with imports from China. Firms tend to choose, first, employment adjustment only, and then with stronger import competition, product switching only, and finally, both of employment adjustment and product switching as import competition from China increases.