
Reassessing China's GDP Growth Performance: an Exploration of The Underestimated Price Effect

執筆者 伍 曉鷹 (北京大学国家発展研究院 / 一橋大学経済研究所)/李 展 (北京大学国家発展研究院)
発行日/NO. 2021年3月  21-E-018
研究プロジェクト 東アジア産業生産性




Instead of searching for alternative indicators, this study accepts the official nominal GDP statistics at face value and reassesses real growth by investigating the underlying price effect that is intrinsic to and coherent with the national accounts. Based on reconstructed national input-output tables in time series, we address two major biases that may have significantly distorted the official growth estimates of China, i.e., a single-deflation bias caused by discrepancies between input and output prices and an aggregation bias that is caused by a constant-price value aggregation problem. Compared to the smooth official growth rates, our procedures have exposed more volatile movements of, and greater impacts of external shocks on the Chinese economy. We estimate an annual growth rate at 8.3 percent for the entire reform period 1978-2018, which is 1.2 percentage points below the officially claimed rate of 9.5 percent. In real terms, this downward adjustment means that until 2018, China's accumulated national income over the past forty years could be 36 percent smaller than that suggested by the official data.