
Why Do Real Wages Stagnate in Japan and Korea?

執筆者 田 賢培 (西江大学)/深尾 京司 (ファカルティフェロー)/権 赫旭 (ファカルティフェロー)/朴 廷洙 (西江大学)
発行日/NO. 2021年2月  21-E-010
研究プロジェクト 東アジア産業生産性




This study investigates the reasons behind the slowdown in real wages for Japan and Korea based on the aggregate and industry-level data for the respective countries. The findings suggest the following. First, both at aggregate and at industry-level, there is a significant slowdown in both countries in the post-1995 period regarding labor productivity, which explains the overall slowdown in real wages. Second, the main reason for the gap between the growths in real wages and labor productivity is found to be the changes in the labor's terms of trade which is defined as the CPI to GDP deflator ratio. Thus, the wage-labor productivity gap is not systematically connected to changes in labor shares. Finally, to some extent, the overestimation of labor's terms of trade is overstating the slowdown in real wages, especially in Japan.