
Impacts of Increased Chinese Imports on Japan's Labor Market

執筆者 早川 和伸 (アジア経済研究所)/伊藤 匡 (学習院大学)/浦田 秀次郎 (ファカルティフェロー)
発行日/NO. 2019年11月  19-E-098
研究プロジェクト 貿易自由化政策の効果に関する研究:90年代以降の日本に関するミクロデータを用いた分析




Using Japanese firm/establishment level census data, we investigate the impact of Chinese import penetration on employment in Japan. We found negative impacts of Chinese import penetration on total employment, especially for industries that produce competing products to Chinese imports, and a positive impact of import penetration in the industries from which firms purchase their inputs (upstream import penetration). The negative impacts are mainly driven by firms' exit from the market while positive impacts are enjoyed by surviving firms. We did not find any significant impacts of the penetration in industries to which firms sell their products (downstream penetration).

Published: Hayakawa, Kazunobu, Tadashi Ito, and Shujiro Urata, 2021. "Impacts of increased Chinese imports on Japan’s labor market," Japan and the World Economy, Volume 59, 101087.