執筆者 | YOUM Yoosik (客員研究員)/山口 一男 (客員研究員) |
発行日/NO. | 2019年11月 19-E-093 |
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労働市場に男女の不平等に関して、女性の低賃金の職業への集中が重要な原因の1つであることは知られている。しかし、日本と韓国においてはこの事実について精査されることは稀であった。本稿は日本と韓国における男女の職業分離とそれが男女賃金格差に与える影響を分析する。分析に用いるデータは日本の「社会階層と社会移動調査(SSM)」の2005年版と、韓国の「労働と収入に関するパネル調査(KLIPS)」の2009-2017年版である。本稿は2種類の反事実的要素分解法(Yamaguchi 2017)を用いて、男女の職業分離の大部分は、男女の人的資本の差では説明できないことを明らかにする。また実際には人的資本が男女で平等化すると、男女の職業分離度はかえって増大するという職業分離のパラドックス(Yamaguchi 2019)が生じることを示す。
Gender occupational segregation, or the concentration of women in low-wage occupations, is known as one of the most important sources of gender inequality in the labor market. However, it has rarely been closely examined in both Japan and Korea. We analyze gender occupational segregation and its effects on the wage gap in Japan and Korea. The main data set for Japan is the Social Stratification and Social Mobility Survey of 2005 (SSM 2005) and we use the Korean Labor & Income Panel Study (KLIPS) from year 2009 to 2017 for the analyses of Korea. By using two types of counter-factual decomposition methods (Yamaguchi 2017), we reveal that most of the gender occupational segregation cannot be explained through gender disparities in human capital. In fact, gender occupational segregation increases as human capital is equalized across gender in both countries: this is known as occupational segregation paradox. Women are doubly disadvantaged in both countries, through intra-occupational wage gaps and inter-occupational wage gaps. However, the relative magnitude of the two disadvantages is different in the two countries. In general, Korea shows greater intra-occupational gaps than Japan, which means that women with the same qualifications are paid less than men within the same occupation. However, inter-occupational gaps, meaning women's under-representation in high-wage occupations, are larger in Japan.