執筆者 | 冨浦 英一 (ファカルティフェロー)/伊藤 萬里 (リサーチアソシエイト)/カン・ビョンウ (一橋大学) |
発行日/NO. | 2019年10月 19-E-088 |
研究プロジェクト | デジタル経済における企業のグローバル行動に関する実証分析 |
ダウンロード/関連リンク | |
備考 |
2019年11月改訂 |
We distributed a questionnaire to large- and mid-sized firms in the manufacturing, wholesale, and information-related service industries in Japan to investigate the firms' responses to regulations governing cross-border data transfers. Only a limited fraction of the surveyed firms regularly transfer data across national borders. However, among the firms active in collecting data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices from overseas, the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects more than 20% of firms and the number of firms affected by the Cyber Security Act of China and similar regulations in other countries exceeds the number of firms that have not noticed an impact. The affected firms have responded to the regulations through measures such as changing the location of their data processing/storage, introducing firewalls, and/or assigning staff to address the issues. However, many firms have not yet taken any action.