
Subsidies to Public Firms and Competition Modes under a Mixed Duopoly

執筆者 東田 啓作 (関西学院大学)
発行日/NO. 2018年1月  18-E-001
研究プロジェクト 現代国際通商・投資システムの総合的研究(第III期)


本稿の目的は、経済実験の手法を用いて混合複占において公企業(SOE: State-owned enterprise)への補助金が企業行動と競争構造にどのような影響を与えるのかを明らかにすることである。Hampton and Sherstyuk (2012) によってデザインされた生産設備と価格とを2段階で選択する実験を混合複占に応用させ、実験室実験を行った。販売に対する補助金と生産設備に対する補助金の2種類の補助金に関してトリートメントを設定し、比較分析を行った。



This study experimentally examines whether subsidies to a state-owned enterprises (SOE) change the behavior of a private firm or the SOE under a mixed duopoly. Following Hampton and Sherstyuk (2012), we conducted a series of laboratory experiments adopting a two-stage capacity-price decision-making duopoly setting. We adopted two treatments in terms of types of subsidies: one is a subsidy for production/sales and the other is a subsidy for capacity building. The results indicate that even a small amount of subsidy can influence the choices of capacities and prices of both types of firms. Production subsidies increase capacities of both private firms and SOEs, and, accordingly, the prices of both types of firms decrease, while capacity subsidies decrease capacities of private firms. Because the competition for capacity building between two firms becomes less severe, the profits of both firms increase and, interestingly, the idle capacities of private firms decrease. Moreover, both social and domestic surpluses increase in the case of production subsidies, but decrease in the case of capacity subsidy. In the former case, severe competition mitigates the distortion caused by imperfect competition. We also find that the firm attributes and behavior in the past significantly influence capacity choices.