
The Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Business and Employment: Evidence from a survey on Japanese firms

執筆者 森川 正之 (理事・副所長)
発行日/NO. 2016年4月  16-E-066


本稿は、人工知能(AI)、ロボット、ビッグデータへの企業の取り組みや将来の経営・雇用に対する影響についての見方を、独自のサーベイに基づく日本企業 3000社超のデータから概観する。分析結果によれば、第1に、サービス分野の企業を含めてAIなどの経営・事業活動への効果に肯定的な企業が多く、 「AI生産産業」だけでなく「AI利用産業」に注目する必要があることを示唆している。第2に、AIなどと従業者の教育水準の間の補完性が観察される。 AIなどの開発・普及を加速しつつ雇用機会を維持するためには、人的資本の質の向上が不可欠なことが示唆される。第3に、財・サービス市場の地理的範囲が グローバルな企業は、AIなどの効果に肯定的な傾向が観察され、グローバル化の進行とAIなどの開発・普及とが補完的に進行する可能性が示唆される。



This study presents new evidence on firms' attitudes toward artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, as well as their attitude toward the impacts of these new technologies on future business and employment prospects. The data used in this paper are the results of our original survey of more than 3,000 Japanese firms. The major findings can be summarized as follows. First, firms operating in the service industry have a positive attitude on the effects of AI-related technologies, suggesting the importance of paying attention to "AI-using industries." Second, we observe complementarity between AI-related technologies and the skill level of employees. This finding suggests that in order to accelerate the development and diffusion of AI and to maintain employment opportunities, it will be necessary to upgrade human capital. Third, firms that engage in global markets tend to have a positive attitude toward the impacts of AI-related technologies, indicating that globalization of economic activities will facilitate the development and diffusion of these new technologies.

This is the English version of the Japanese Discussion Paper (16-J-005) with some additional information and changes.

Published: Morikawa, Masayuki, 2017. "Firms' expectations about the impact of AI and robotics: Evidence from a survey," Economic Inquiry, Vol. 55(2), pp. 1054-1063