日本語タイトル:有形資産と無形資産の代替・補完関係 ―日本の企業レベルデータの分析―

Complementarity and Substitutability between Tangible and Intangible Capital: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data

執筆者 細野 薫 (ファカルティフェロー)/宮川 大介 (一橋大学)/滝澤 美帆 (東洋大学)/山ノ内 健太 (慶應義塾大学)
発行日/NO. 2016年3月  16-E-024
研究プロジェクト 企業成長のエンジンに関するミクロ実証分析




Using Japanese firm-level panel data spanning from 2000 to 2013, we estimate industry-level production functions that explicitly take into account the substitutability and complementarity between tangible and intangible capital. The estimation results show substantial heterogeneity among industries in terms of substitutability and complementarity between tangible and intangible capital. We further find that the relation between tangible and intangible capital in the production function accounts for their relation in investments. These findings show the necessity to take into account the relation between the dynamics of tangible and intangible capital for precisely understanding the mechanisms governing a firm's growth.

Published: Hosono, Kaoru, Miyakawa, Daisuke, Takizawa, Miho and Yamanouchi, Kenta, 2020. "Complementarity and Substitutability between Tangible and Intangible Capital: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data," The Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 65(5), pp. 1293-1321.