米国で進む賃金不平等度の拡大が日本では観察されないのはなぜだろうか? この論文では日米の大卒・高卒賃金格差の動きの違いにその説明を求め、大卒労働者の供給の伸びが日本でより早かったことが大卒・高卒賃金格差の拡大を抑えたことを論証する。1986年から2008年にかけて日本の大卒・高卒間賃金格差は0.35ログポイントから0.34ログポイントへ縮小したが、米国では0.43ログポイントから0.65ログポイントまで拡大した。この論文では大卒・高卒労働者への相対需要構造を推定し、シミュレーションを行うことで日米の大卒・高卒賃金格差の動きの違いのうち1/3は日米の大卒供給の伸びの違いで説明できることを論証した。また、日米の大卒供給の伸びの違いは戦後の出生動向の違いで説明できることを示した。
This study examines the importance of the supply factor as a determinant of the college wage premium by comparing the trends of the college wage premium between Japan and the United States. The wage differential between college and high school graduates decreased from 0.35 log point to 0.34 log point in Japan between 1986 and 2008, while during the same period, it increased from 0.43 to 0.65 in the United States. This paper demonstrates that the more rapid increase in the number of college graduates in Japan explains about one-third of these contrasting trends. A simulation indicates that if the supply in the United States had followed that in Japan, the return to college would have increased by 0.15 point instead of the actual 0.23 point. The difference in post-war fertility trends largely explains the difference in the supply increase of college graduates between the two countries.
Published: Daiji Kawaguchi and Yuko Mori, 2016. "Why has wage inequality evolved so differently between Japan and the US? The role of the supply of college-educated workers," Economics of Education Review, Vol. 52, pp. 29-50