
Japan and Economic Integration in East Asia: Post-disaster scenario

執筆者 藤田 昌久  (所長) /浜口 伸明  (ファカルティフェロー)
発行日/NO. 2011年12月  11-E-079
研究プロジェクト グローバル化と災害リスク下で成長を持続する日本の経済空間構造とサプライチェーンに関する研究




As regional integration proceeds in East Asia, intermediate goods production of advanced technology has been locked in Japan despite the dispersion forces of high factor costs. However, the disastrous earthquake in 2011 may have revealed supply chain disruption risk as another dispersion force. We analyze how these dispersion forces affect the specialization in intermediate goods production of Japan and discuss future competitive challenges for the Japanese economy under deindustrialization from the spatial economics viewpoint.

Published: Masahisa Fujita and Nobuaki Hamaguchi, 2012. "Japan and economic integration in East Asia: post-disaster scenario," The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 48(2), pp. 485-500.