執筆者 |
後藤 康雄 (上席研究員) |
発行日/NO. | 2010年10月 10-E-047 |
研究プロジェクト | 金融の安定性と経済構造 |
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分析の結果、大企業を含めた全サンプルを用いると、地域金融の健全性と研究開発活動は概ね正の相関を示しつつも、必ずしも強い関係とはいえない。しかし、(i) 大企業に比べ金融制約が強いとみられる中小企業にサンプルを絞り、(ii) 複数の銀行財務指標から共通成分を抽出した値を説明変数に用いると、かなり明瞭な関係が観察される。こうした傾向は、金融健全性が内生性を持つ可能性や、金融以外の地域要素の存在を考慮した推定でも成立する。さらに、研究開発に関する回答はゼロ値が多いというデータ面の特性を考慮したトービット推定を行うと、関係は一段と強くなる。本稿の実証結果からは、地域経済の活性化における地域金融の役割の大きさが示唆される。金融システムを安定させるためのプルーデンス政策は、地域経済の発展に対しても意味を持つ可能性がある。
In order to explore the impact of financial factors on the real economy, many researchers are analyzing the relationship between finance and real economic activity using new theories and approaches. This paper focuses on the relationship between financial soundness and corporate R&D activities on a regional scale. By measuring regional financial performance using data series including periods of financial crisis and recovery (from the end of the 1990s to the middle of the 2000s), this paper statistically examines the correlation with factors such as corporate R&D expenditure.
Analysis of the whole sample including large corporations reveals that regional financial soundness and R&D activities have a positive, albeit weak, correlation. However, a stronger correlation is observable if we (i) narrow down the sample to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are more strongly affected than large corporations by adverse financial conditions, and (ii) use as an independent variable a common component capturing the trends from multiple banking financial indicators. This holds true even if we take into account the possibility that financial soundness might be endogenous or non-financial elements of the regional economy might have impacts on R&D activities. In addition, the correlation becomes even stronger if we take into account, through a Tobit model, the effect of corporations in the sample not actually performing R&D activities.
This paper’s empirical findings suggest that regional finance plays an important role in revitalizing regional economies. Policies on a regional scale for stabilizing the financial system would also be meaningful in the development of regional economies.