
Economic Security Policy as Growth Strategy and Recent Developments in Trade Rules


The foundations of national security are rapidly expanding into the economic and technological fields due to technological innovation and geopolitical changes. The Japanese Government recently stated in government wide documents such as its Growth Strategy that it will strengthen and promote economic security policy. The speaker will introduce this subject in the first section.
In the meantime, while economic security policy is newly highlighted, free and fair trade remains an essential part of government policy towards developing the global economy and building a resilient supply chain. In this respect, in addition to various initiatives relating to global rule-making and trade promotion, the enforcement of trade tools such as trade remedy measures is also important in tackling unfair trade practices. The speaker will discuss recent developments in trade rules focusing on this aspect in the second section.


  • 日時:2021年9月6日(月)
  • 開催言語:英語
  • 主催:独立行政法人経済産業研究所(RIETI)


  • スピーカー:風木 淳(経済産業省貿易経済協力局貿易管理部長(併)大臣官房経済安全保障政策統括調整官)

    Speaker, KAZEKI Jun has thirty years of experience in the field of trade and economic policies. Most recently, he engaged in Growth Strategy 2020 as Deputy Director-General at the Cabinet Secretariat. In the past, he served as DDG for the Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, director for the Manufacturing Industries Bureau, the Natural Resources and Fuel Department, the Security Export Control Policy Division and the Multilateral Trade System Department at METI. He also worked for the OECD in Paris (2002-05) and the Japanese Mission to the WTO in Geneva (2007-10). He graduated from the University of Tokyo ('90) and earned a master's degree from Columbia Law School (LLM '95/NY Bar) and another degree on Antitrust from NYU (LLM Trade Regulation '96).

  • コメンテータ:川瀬 剛志(RIETIファカルティフェロー / 上智大学法学部教授)
  • コメンテータ:鈴木 一人(東京大学公共政策大学院教授)