

Kenichi Ohno

Consulting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, IAI Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


University of Tokyo (B.E. for aerospace engineering) Princeton University (M.P.A. for economic and public policy)

Professional Experience

Sep.1979 Exchange student, University of Chicago (1 year)
Mar.1981 BA in economics, Hitotsubashi University
Mar.1983 MA in economics, Hitotsubashi University
Jun.1987 Ph.D. in economics, Stanford University


Sep.1984 Research assistant, Department of Economics, Stanford University
Sep.1987 Economist, Research and Middle Eastern Departments, IMF
Aug.1991 Associate Professor, Institute of Socio-Economic Planning, Tsukuba University
Apr.1996 Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University
Oct.1997- Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies


1981- Japanese Economic Association
1987- American Economic Association
1991- Japan Association of International Economics


International finance, development economics

Publications in English

  • "The Purchasing Power Parity Criterion for Stabilizing Exchange Rates," chapter 19, in Dilip K. Das, ed., International Finance: Contemporary Issues , Routledge, London (1993).
  • "IMF's policy advice and its evaluation," Ministry of Foreign Affairs development and aid study, March 1993.
  • "Comparison of competitiveness among Japan, US and Germany: an approach towards tradable purchasing power parity," Research Institute for International Price Mechanism, March 1993.
  • "Mercantile exchange rate policy and adjustment of competitiveness between Japan and the US: a view from hegemonic cycles," Y. Honda ed, Japan's Business Cycles, Yuhikaku, 1995.
  • Strategy for introducing market: creation of a new economic system and Japan's intellectual contribution , Yuhikaku, 1996 (Mainichi Shimbun Asia Study Association Award).
  • "The creation process of a market economy and economics paradigms: towards a new perspective in development economics," chapter 2 in S. Ishikawa ed, Theoretical Studies inDevelopment Cooperation Policy , Institute of Development Economics, no.466, March 1996.
  • "East Asian economics as a dynamic subject," East Asia Review no.57, December 1996.
  • (With Kojiro Sakurai) East Asian Development Economics, Yuhikaku, 1997.
  • "Latecomer countries and the global market economy: the risk of premature internationalintegration leading to the disruption of the development process," Sekai, January 1999.
  • "Intellectual Aid to Vietnam: Current Status and Issues in Vietnam's Marketization SupportProject," chapter 2, A Study in Policy Assistance Based on the "Intellectual Structure" ofJapan's Economic Assistance, Cabinet Bureau/Japan Research Institute, March 2001.

and others